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Документы JIT: Заявление свидетеля Ившина

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MH17 Joint Investigation Team Documents
26DLRPRIMO-04155 Witness statement Ivshina

Landelijke Eenheid

Proces-verbaalnummer: Documentcode: Onderzoek:
26DLRPRIMO - 04155 A
Primo / 26149760Z
Betreft: Parketnummer: RC-Nummer: Bijlagen:
Proces verbaal samenvatting van verhoor getuige

Wij verbalisanten 17 - 183 en 17 201, brigadiers van politie werkzaam bij de Dienst Landelijke Eenheid, Landelijke Recherche en tijdelijk ingedeeld bij het Primo onderzoeksteam verklaren het volgende.
In het kader van het Primo onderzoek is op 9 april 2015 op het bureau van politie op de luchthaven Schiphol de getuige Olga Ivshina gehoord. Zij is journalist en fulltime werkzaam voor de BBC Russian Service.
Tijdens het verhoor was de door haar werkgever de BBC aan de getuige Ivshina toegewezen advocaat, mr. E. Juriens van het advocatenkantoor Kennedy Van der Laan in Amsterdam,
Tijdens dit verhoor werden wij verbalisanten in het kader van de samenwerking in het zogenaamde Joint Investigation Team (JIT) geassisteerd door het personeelslid van de Australian Federal Police
AFP 19112.
Het verhoor werd in de Engelse taal gedaan en auditief geregistreerd. Bij aanvang van het verhoor werd de getuige geïnformeerd dat het geluid van het verhoor werd opgenomen. De SD- geheugenkaart met de originele opname is aan de teamleiding van het Primo onderzoek ter beschikking gesteld.
De letterlijke uitwerking van de Engelse tekst is verzorgd door de Australian Federal Police en deze is weergegeven in het proces-verbaal nr. 26DLRPRIMO - 04155.
Van deze letterlijke uitwerking is een korte samenvatting in de Engelse taal gemaakt en als bijlage L bij dit proces-verbaal gevoegd.
Tijdens het verhoor is er aan getuige Ivshina een aantal foto's getoond. Door getuige Ivshina zijn enkele schetsen, aantekeningen op een collectie van emblemen en op een landkaart gemaakt. Deze zijn als bijlagen Atm K bij dit proces-verbaal gevoegd.
Als bijlagen bij dit process-verbaal zijn gevoegd.
A. Copy foto van landschap.
B. Copy foto van Ivshina's getuige 1

Landelijke Eenheid Dienst Landelijke Recherche


C. Copy foto van Ivshina's getuige 2
D. Colletie emblemen met aantekeningen van getuige
E. Copy van foto Ivshina's getuige 4
F. Landkaart met aanduiding gebied waar gezocht is naar lanceerplaats
G. Schets van de burnsite nabij Grabovo met plek waar geuigen 1 en 2 geinterviewd zijn.
H. Schets van gebied waar Ivshina gezocht heeft met behulp van foto van het landschap
I. Schets van wat vanaf de positie van Ivshina te zien was
J. Schets van de percelen grond waar Ivshina gezocht heeft naar lanceerplaats
K. Copy van Ivshina's getuige 4.
L. Samenvatting van het verhoor in de Engelse taal.
Waarvan door ons op ambtseed is opgemaakt dit proces-verbaal, dat wij sloten en ondertekenden te Driebergen op 11 juni 2015.
De verbalisanten,
17 - 183
17 - 201
Landelijke Eenheid Dienst Landelijke Recherche


NPN 17183: All right. Good morning. This is a digital record of interview conducted at the Schiphol Airport Police Station in The Netherlands. It's now Thursday, nine April of two thousand and fifteen. The time is now ten forty-seven am and persons - the persons who are present here is AFP one nine one one two and NPN seventeen one eight three and NPN one seven two O one. With us is witness Olga IVSHINA. She was born ten November, eighty-six in the Russian Federation and her lawyer, Emiel JURJENS from the Office of the Kennedy Van der LAAN with his attorney number A two seven three three eight.
Well, welcome. From here, my colleague will take it over with some formal questions and from there on we go further with the interview, yeah?
AFP19112; Q2. You've been asked to assist with this investigation and are being interviewed as a witness in the scope of the criminal investigation into the downing of the Malaysian air flight MH seventeen which crashed in the Donetsk region of the Ukraine on Thursday, seventeenth of July, two thousand and fourteen. The criminal investigation into the incident is being conducted by a joint investigation team known as the JIT. The countries involved in the JIT are Australia, The Netherlands, Belgium and the Ukraine. This interview will result in a written summary and a transcript which may eventually be submitted to a court as evidence should a prosecution commence. If this occurs the suspects and their legal representatives will have access to it. Your statement may be provided to other countries within the JIT including Australia, The Netherlands, Belgium and the Ukraine. Do you understand?
а    Yeah.
NPN17201: Q3. Little - just add on to it now also Malaysia is part of JIT.
А  Okay.
AFP19112: Q4.All right. Do you agree that any statement you make accurately sets out the evidence that you would be prepared, if necessary, to give in a court as a witness?
А  Yeah.


Q5.Do you acknowledge that any statement you make is true and correct and you make it in the belief that a person making a false statement in the circumstances is liable to the penalties of perjury?

Q6.Thank you. Before we commence the interview, are there any questions you would like to ask of us?
A No.

Q8.Okay. You are fine now.
A Okay. Okay,

Q9.Well, first of all, we like to make - to ask you when did you go to the Ukraine in a chronological time matter.
A You mean that - that occasion?

Q10 Well, have you been there before?
A Yeah.
Q11. And then in what time period and perhaps you can tell something about that period and then when you came later on.
A Oh.

A Well, I've been there - you mean in Donetsk regionI have been there -
A- - several times since the beginning of - of the conflict, so from -
from March.

Q14.From March on?
A From March on, March, two thousand and fourteen. Yeah.

A Well, yeah, I have been I think two times in - one or two times in March. I - also in April, then twice in May and then I came in July.

Q16.And how did it look like? You were there then for several days and then you going back or how - -
A Yeah, yeah. Each time - -

Q17.How did it go?
A Each time I was deployed.

Q18. M'mm.
A I think I stayed there - well, generally at least for a week, sometimes for ten days, sometimes for two weeks and then, yeah, it was - came home, go back.

Q19. All right. So several times in - from March, April you said?


Yeah. I think it was - in July it was my sixth time in Donetsk region.
A I think so. Yeah, probably six time I think. Six or seven.
A And then when we are coming now near to the crash when did you came there? To the crash?

Q22. Yeah.
А On - on Sunday. So it was the twentieth I think, so,
Q23. A
Okay. Yeah. At the - at the evening of crash I was in Rostov then we went back, so we went - since the flights were cancelled on Friday we went by train to Kiev and then, yeah, I was - I was there on Sunday.

Q24. Okay, How did you hear about it? You were in Rostov you said?
А No, no - yeah, I was in Rostov. I was - - -
Q25. Yeah.
А -- deployed to Rostov.

Q26 When this happened.
A When it happened I was flying. So when we landed I got the call - -

Q27. Yeah.
А  -- from - from my bosses and they said, well, you need to fly back (Laughs).

Q28. Okay.
A A plane crashed.
Q29. Okay, You just came to - -
A To Rostov.

Q30.- Rostov?
A Yeah and then they said we need to go back because plane crashed. They - there was - we thought maybe to go straight from Rostov but then we can see that it too dangerous so we flew back to Moscow and then went there from Moscow.
Q31. Sorry, how do you spell Rostov?
A R o s t o v. It's - the full name is Rostov-on-Don because the …(indistinct)… also Russian.
Q32. And how do you spell - -
A Then - - -

A Hyphen 'on'.

Q34. On? 
А On, another hyphen and then Don, Don.


Q35. Don.
A Yes.
Q36. Okay. So you were in Rostov prior to going to the Donetsk region?
A Yeah. We were supposed to cover some - some news in Rostov -

Q37. Right.
A  - - but then it was cancelled. We flew back to Moscow and were deployed there.
Q38. And just for the purpose of the audio device can you just explain where Rostov is, please?
A It's in - it's in south of Russia.
Q39 Okay.
A So, yeah, it's close to the border with Ukraine.
Q40. Okay, Thank you.
A Relatively close.
Q41.You said you were deployed by who?

Q42. By BBC.
A BBC Russian Service.
Q43. Because you have contract there or?
A Yeah, I'm a - yeah, like, a full time journalist there.
Q44. Okay, Full-time journalist for the BBC?
A BBC Russian Service.
Q45. Yeah. Okay.
A Based in Moscow.
Q46. So the BBC contacted you on the evening of Sunday the twentieth of July?
А No, no, no.
Q47. No?
А BBC contacted me in the evening - on the evening of July the seventeenth.
Q48. All right.
A When the crash happened and then we were constantly contacting each other - - -
Q49. Yes.
A -- - because they were instructing us and we were sending back the news.


Q50. Okay. And when did you travel back to - and how did you travel? You've - how did you fly, in which airport, from where?
A You mean there or back?

Q51. Yeah, from - you were from - in Rostov. From there onto Moscow you said.
A From there onto Moscow and - -

Q52. Yeah.
A- since the flights were cancelled at the moment I believe, I think so, we took a train - -

Q53. Okay.
A - - to Kiev. So it was Moscow to Kiev, overnight train.
Q54. And how long is that?
A Overnight.
Q55. Okay.
A Like, for ten hours or - well, I'm not really sure, it's the overnight train.
Q56. M'mm.
A So Saturday morning we were in Kiev. Did some tasks for - for BBC because they needed - they wanted to - to cover reaction of the Ukrainian - official reaction of the Ukrainian side.

Q57. Yeah.

Q58. And that's Saturday the nineteenth?
А Saturday. Yeah, on the - on Saturday. And then in the evenig we bought the train ticket and went to near Dnepropetrovsk.
Q59. M'mm.
A It was another overnight train I think.
Q60. From - this from Saturday, nineteen - - -
A To - to Sunday, the twentieth.

Q61. Okay.
Q62. And, sorry, how do you spell that town, please?
A Dnepropetrovsk?
Q63. Dnepropetrovsk. The most difficult name here. Perhaps you can write it down for us.
A Yeah, no problem.
Q64. And you travelled overnight by train from Kiev to - -
A To Dnepropetrovsk.


Q65. Yes, please.
A I will write it in Russian - I mean, all Ukrainian - most of Ukrainian cities have two names, so - - -
Q66. Yeah.
A The - the Russian way and the Ukrainian way. I don't know the Ukrainian way, so I write you the - - -
Q67. The Russian way is fine.
Q68. It's the same thing.
Q69. Yeah. Normal spelling.
Q70. You prefer … (indistinct)…
A Yeah, I can (Laughs).
Q71. They also built motorbikes over there …(indistinct)…
А …(indistinct)… yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q72. You came there on the twentieth in the morning I think?
A Seven am it was.
Q73. Seven am.
A I remember that, yes.
Q74. Right. And from there on - -
A We took a car.
Q75. You took a car.
А Acar.
Q76. And then you drive yourself or did you have a driver?
A No, we have a driver.
Q77. Adriver?
A Adriver, yeah.
Q78. Yeah, okay.
A A local - local man.
Q79. And how did you know there or did you have a fixer or?
A Well, we - we have a driver we know there we - because we go there constantly.
Q80. Yeah.
A But he was busy and he gave us his friend.
Q81. Okay. And do you want to give his name?


JURJENS: Why do you need?
Q82. Well, just in case we need to chase him up as a witness down the track, that's all. It's just normal procedure.
Q83. Perhaps he can tell us also some things.
А I mean, I know - I know his name.
Q84. M'mm.
A Maybe if you - if - could you please request BBC.
Q85. M'mm.
A If BBC allows me I will provide his name.

Q86. Okay.
AFP19112: Did you want to give advice on that or?
JURJENS: Yeah. So that's probably all - what I would advise.
_ IVSHINA: (Laughs) I don't know his surname to be - to be honest but - - -
JURJENS: (Laughs) …(indistinct)… in general --
Q87. You only have his first name?
A First name but - - -
Q88. Would you be happy just to provide his first name perhaps?
JURJENS: I think for any names - -
IVSHINA: Still, Still.
JURJENS: - - - it would be - just to go through - - -
JURJENS: And make a list of - -
IVSHINA: But I mean we - - -
JURJENS: - -- persons names you're interested in.
IVSHINA: Yeah. But there is a way of finding his second name but if - -
Q89. No, that's all right.
A Could you please request and then I will try - - -
Q90. Just to assist on our side before we go down the names and details are you able to provide the type of vehicle it was, just so we know we can distinguish.


A It was - I'm not really good in vehicles. It was - it was not his vehicle.
Q91. No. Okay.
A But it was Audi - Audi Q seven or eight, like a jeep.
NPN17183: Audi?
NPN17183: Q?
IVSHINA: Audi Q seven or eight.
NPN17183: That's a very fancy car.
IVSHINA: Yeah, yeah.
AFP19112: Q92.
What type of car is that?
NPN17183: Audi.
NPN17201: It's a German
Q93. Q seven.
A Audi Q seven or Q eight.
Q94. Okay.
A The - the - the jeep one.
Q95. It's the big one, yeah.
A The big one. Yeah, yeah.
Q96. It's a seven. Yeah.
A Okay (Laughs).
Q97. The eight is a saloon.
A Yeah, yeah, the big one.
Q98. Yeah. That's all right.
A (Laughs)
Q99. Okay. …(indistinct)…
A (Laughs) I'm bad at cars.
Q100. All right. Thank you. All right. You were - you said you travelled with 'we', with whom were you travelling?
A It was my team. It was my producer.


Q101. Yeah?
JURJENS: These are all BBC employees, right?
IVSHINA: Can I name them? Okay. It was Oksana VOZHDAYEVA.
Q102. Yeah. Producer.
JURJENS: Her name is also on the internet.
Q103. Yeah.
A Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q104. Oksana?
Q105. I've got it here. Oksana.
A Yeah, yeah, it was mentioned somewhere.
Q106. Yeah. Oksana VOZHDAYEVA, is it? V O Z H D A - -
Q107. Yeah.
A Yeah. Yeah, it was …(indistinct)… VOZHDAYEVA.
Q108. Yeah. So apart from you, the driver and Oksana, was there anyone else in the car with you?
A At that moment, no.
Q109. Okay.
Q110. You had - you have been there for and you have got a press card from Donetsk -
A Donetsk People's Republic.
Q111. Yeah.
A Was it working? I mean, yeah, we - we had - I don't really remember, er, you know, these detail but, yeah, we - generally we had cards. They - they do expire - -
Q112. Yeah.
A - - from time to time and we have to renew them.
Q113. Okay.
A Yeah.


Q114. It's only expendable for amount of time?
A Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Q115. It's about a month I think, isn't it?
A Well, it differs.
Q116. Okay.
A But, yeah - but I mean I can check. I have this card not with me but in Moscow. I can check.
Q117. But you had still an accreditation to be in the region?
A Yeah, yeah.
Q118. Yeah.
A And we had - we had SBU approval.
Q119. Okay,
A Because they - they - SBU are the Ukrainians special service. They ask all journalists to come through a procedure to be approved to go this - to this special zone to - how they call it the zone of - antiterrorist operation, how they call it.
Q120. Yeah.
A And we - we applied in July or maybe end of June, I don't know, Oksana was doing it and we got through clearing and we were - there was - there was a list. I mean, we didn't have any documents. They didn't issue any documents but we were on the list and we could be checked so we have -
Q121. Okay.
A We have been cleared from both - both sides.
Q122. Okay.
Q123. So when you pick up your accreditation at Donetsk, did you organise that or I think you mentioned Oksana organised it in July?
A No, no, no, you - you mix it.
Q124. Okay.
A Oksana organised SBU.
Q125. SBU. Okay.
Q126. So who went to the bureau to collect the accreditation in Donetsk? Would that have been you or a fixer?
A I don't remember to be honest. Oh, no, I think - I think we grabbed it later I believe. I don't really remember that - that detail.
Q127. Okay. It's not important.
A Yeah. I think - I think we - we - it was both of us in person but I think it was - since it was Sunday the - this building - the - the official


- DPR officials weren't working. I think we grabbed it next day or something.
Q128. That's okay.
Q129. All right. Then you came into Dnepropetrovsk.
A Mm.
Q130. And from there on you went by car further. Where did you go - -
А We go - -

Q131. on that day?
A We went all the way to the crash site. We - we were heading - what near - I remember because we were changing our plans always.
Q132. Yeah.
A We went into the direction of crash site definitely. I don't remember whether we came exactly to the crash site at that day because our main task was to go to Torez.
Q133. Okay.
А Because on that day the - the - the bodies or the first bodies were put into the train.
Q134. Yes.
Q135. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was on the twenty. Yeah.
А  Yeah. And we went there to cover that story.
Q136. Okay. This first of all you went to the train station in Torez?
JURJENS: It was a plan.
Q137. That was the plan? Yeah.
A That - that wasn't planned. We just - while we were going to the crash site on - on the way we called some rebel officials, rebel activists and found out that the bodies are being put - are being, you know, heading - are heading, so to say, to Torez so we went to that train station I think.
Q138. Okay.
A Yeah.
Q139. Okay, And can you tell us what you saw over there and - - -
A Well, it's a small train station. There were some rebel fighters, several journalists. Not many at the moment - I think we were one of the first to come there.
Q140. You were in the morning or?
A I think it was midday.


Q141. Midday.
A Midday. Yeah, yeah. So we were - and the train was already there - or not - not the train, like a few carriages. The engine was working but you can - you could feel - smell a little bit of the dead bodies, So we spent some time there filming. I was filming then we were transmitting the material to BBC. Then another train came and it brought a few more carriages for - for the bodies. We did the - we transmitted material, did a few hours and then it - it became dark so we headed back home.
Q142. Just on your way to the crash site you said whilst going to the crash site you then contacted a few rebels.
A Mm.
Q143. Are you willing to provide the names of those people or do you want to leave it with the BBC again?
JURJENS: Again, I would say it's - - -
Q144. Okay, I just have to ask, that's all.
JURJENS: No, no, sure.
Q145. And can I ask you if there's one or two or a number? You don't have to
A Mostly it was one.
Q146. One. All right. And you knew this person from previously, did you, or?
А Oksana knew him.
Q147. Okay.
A … was in contact with …(indistinct)…
Q148. And then you drove to Torez?
A M'mm.
Q149. All right. And how long did you stay at Torez train station for?
A I don't remember when exactly we arrived but I remember that we left something around seven pm.
Q150. All right. Can you recall seeing any other photographer - any other journalists at Torez?
А You mean do I know the guys who were there?
Q151. Well, firstly, did you see many other journalists and if so can you recall the names of those journalists?
A I saw some journalists but I don't know them - -
Q152. You don't know them. All right.
A There were not many.


Q153. Okay.
A Not many.
Q154. Yeah. Okay.
Q155. Then you said we were going home but - -
A You mean to Donetsk.

Q156. Donetsk. Yeah, okay. That's a question. Where to? You went to Donetsk?
A To Donetsk, yeah.
Q157. And you have a hotel over there?
A Yeah, Ramada hotel.
Q158. The Ramada Hotel. Yeah. Famous hotel for all the journalists.
A Yeah, yeah.
Q159. Yeah.
Q160. So you didn't actually get to the crash site that night?
A As far as I remember, no.
Q161. Okay.
А Don't think so.
Q162. When you refer to the crash site can I ask which one it was?
А Ah.
Q163. What do you know as the crash sites?
А The - where - where the biggest parts were, where the - where there was the - the - -
Q164. If I showed you a map would you be able to identify that location on the map?
A Yeah, probably.
Q165. All right.
A I think it was near Grabovo.
Q166. Okay, Just for the purpose of the interview I'm just going to produce a map which is title 'Debris points update' and it's a large map containing a number of red and yellow dots.
A Okay.
Q167. And there's Grabovo over there.
A Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah, it was here. It was this big place where there was fire.
Q168. So the debris was still burning or smoking?
A Smoking, yeah, yeah.


Q169. Sorry, smouldering. Yeah. Okay.
Q170. Now, we're talking now about the day twentieth or the twenty-first? When did you first visit the - this site?
A This - we first visited this site on the twenty-first.

Q171. On the twenty-first.
Q172. We might get to that one shorty.
Q173. Okay. That's fine. Yeah.
Q174. But that's the site you planned on going, was the one near Grabovo?
A Grabovo, yeah.
Q175. All right. Do you know that site by any other name?
A Grabovo.
Q176. Okay, All right. So for the purpose of the tape we're looking in the vicinity of maps - I'll just show you as well - maps seven, six, five. There's a large cluster or red and yellow dots, would you agree with that?
A Who, me?
Q177. Yeah.
A Yeah, probably.
Q178. Okay. Just so we can identify that location, that's all. Thank you. You then went back to your hotel.
А M'mm.
Q179. What did you do that night?
A I spoke to - you mean that Sunday night, right?
Q180. On the twentieth.
A I spoke to my colleagues because they spend a few days already and I wanted to - to get - well, to get some information so how - how rebels - in what mood are the rebels, how things are going, how are the checkpoints, etcetera because it's very important for us not to get into trouble.
Q181. So it's more about getting your situation or awareness of the security risks?
A Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Q182. Okay.
A Exactly.
Q183. And what could they tell you?


A Well, they said that rebels are more or less relaxed, that the checkpoints are not harsh because in - during our last visit it was very hard at the checkpoints.
Q184. Much harder than
A It was easier. During the - during the crash rebels were very loyal, so to say, you know, very mild. I would even say friendly, so even if you didn't have accreditation the - they would let you go. They - they didn't ask for it basically.
Q185. Okay, And experience from before they were tougher - - -
A Way, way tougher.
Q186. Way tougher?
A We had - we had serious problems.
Q187. And then - in what way, make - there any problems to you or?
A Even before.
Q188. Yeah?
A Yeah, yeah. They were - well, there were various problems at the checkpoints.
Q189. Oh, right.
A They were checking documents and sometimes checking our belongings, asking various questions. You know, the - looking our - at our accreditations, cross-checking accreditations. Sometimes they were threatening us if they didn't like us.
Q190.Mm. Mm.
А Well, yeah, they were very tough times.
Q191. It was tougher. Yeah, okay. Yeah. All right.
Q192. So - Yeah, go on.
Q193. Yeah. Well, then the next day did you made a plan whether where the two of you were to - what you wanted to go to do?
А Yeah. One of our colleagues suggested that we should go and try to - to find a possible Buk launch site so we decided to go to the crash site first, talk to people and then maybe go and try to find the Buk launch site.
Q194. Which colleagues suggested you go look for Buk launch sites?
A It was in a general discussion. So we were, like, discussing who would do that and in the process the roles were distributed.
Q195. So is it more perhaps of an informal conversation -
A Yeah.

Q196. -- with your colleagues?
A Absolutely. Absolutely.


Q197. And how late did you take off and which - had you - did you drive with the same driver or your old driver?
A Let me - let me think of that.
Q198. We're going to the details.
A (Laughs).
Q199. We can call them number - driver number one and driver number two if that's easier.
A Okay. Well, yeah, I was just trying to remember.
Q200. Oh. Yeah.
A We - we left quite early, I remember that. What driver was it?
Q201. Just try to explain the day - - -
A Chronologically.
Q202. Chronologically.
Q203. Chronologically. Yeah.
A Can I think for a while?
Q204. Yeah, that's okay.
Q205. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q206. Actually just while you're thinking on that can we just go back one step?
A Yeah.
Q207. With regard to the informal discussion about the Buk, why did you decide to look for a Buk launch site? What prompted you to look for that?
A Well, because we thought, you know, there was - there was discussions so - on whether this was actually a Buk. I mean, this - this version was ordered by SBU and - so it was one of the main versions at that moment.
Q208. So had SBU provided a release at that stage?
A Yes, yes, they did. When we were there on Saturday in Kiev I mean exactly we were staying in the Ukraine hotel and they had the - like - what - like, a briefing or something and they - yeah, yeah, they presented some sort of evidence, like, this photo.
Q209. Yeah.
A With a - this - - -


Q210. With a smoke trail?
A -- - white - white smoke. Yeah, yeah.
Q211. White smoke.
A So, yeah, they - they presented this evidence and there's - they had the first big interview to BBC. Not head - the head of the - how do you call it?

Q212. Counter intelligence?
А Counter-intelligence.
Q213. Okay.
A Gave interview to - to BBC. So we knew this version already. This was one of the main versions and we just thought that this would be good news, you know. If we - but at the moment there was no major evidence, no proper evidence - what you say - and we just thought that, you know, if Buk fires it should be some bad burned grass or at least something, so it will be a good idea to try to find it, like, any traces of it.
Q214. So again, just for the purposes of the tape, when you refer to the person as being the head of counter-intelligence with the SBU, you're referring to Mr NAIDA?
A NAIDA, m'mm.

Q215. Yeah. All right. Thank you.
Q216. And I think this is the photo you mean that
A Yeah, exactly.
Q217. That one is what they showed?
A Exactly.
Q218. Yeah. Okay. Perhaps you want to write on it the first picture attachment.
Q219. Could we ask you if you could just sign on there, please?
A Like, my name and - - -
Q220. Just your - just a signature.
Q221. Just your signature.
A Just a signature.
Q222. And you can put today's date if you like and then we will sign that as well.
A Today is eighth, right? No, ninth.
Q223. Ninth. Thank you, Thank you.


Q224. Perhaps you can tell what you see on it.
Q225 We've just produced a photograph to the witness which is a - it's a coloured photograph showing a landscape and in the centre of the photograph is a vertical white patch which appears to be a smoke trail. Would you agree with that?
A Yeah, I agree.
NPN17183: Q226. Have you seen that before?
A The picture?
Q227. Yes.
A Yes, I do.
Q228. Do you remember when it was?
A On Saturday while it was presented by SBU.
Q229. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. And just, indeed, come back to SBU - - -
A Okay.

Q230.- because I thought it - in my own state of mind you had talked later with SBU. What can you tell more about the presentation of the head of the counter-intelligence?
A Oh, well - -
Q231. What could they tell you?
A I mean, the - the presentation was downstairs but I was - I wasn't, like, you know, exactly downstairs. I was in my room watching it online - it was, like, online broadcast. I was watching online broadcast and the - because I had some commitment to BBC, I had something to do. And colleagues of mine - can I name them?
IVSHINA: Oksana.
Q232. Yes.
A She was downstairs and a - a colleague of mine from BBC Newsnight, so they were there with this cameraman. They were exactly there and they were waiting until the end of the presentation to talk to the head of the counter-intelligence and they recorded interview.
Q233. And you got the interview with - -

Q234.- - Mr NAIDA. And were you the only one who could interview him or were there several journalists to interview?
A I - I believe it was only BBC. It wasn't me.
Q235. Okay, Okay.


A It was a colleague of mine.
Q236. It was BBC?
A Yeah. I think they - they specially agreed and so after the press conference they had an interview.
Q237. Exclusive.
Q238. I think in your report you said that you had a report containing a sound bite from Vitaly NAIDA and you discussed that he mentioned the aircraft had been shot down by a Buk.
A Yeah.
Q239. And the Buk missile arrived in Donetsk on the seventeenth of July, two thousand and fourteen.
A Yeah, that's - that's what he said. Yeah, yeah.

Q240. Okay, All right. Thank you.
Q241. Okay, But did you do the interview or your colleague?
A No, no, it was my colleague.
Q242. Okay, Yeah. Okay.
A Because - I mean, the - the interview itself was conducted by Gabriel GATEHOUSE.
Q243. Okay.
A Newsnight. BBC Newsnight reporter.
Q244. All right. Yeah.
A And Oksana was just present then.
Q245. M'mm.
A Listening to it and then we exchanged the …(indistinct)…
Q246. Okay, Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Well, let's go to the twentyfirst of July. You were leaving the hotel.
A Yeah.

Q247. And, yeah, well, what happened in the - on the day?
A Yeah. May I think a little bit?
Q248. Yeah. Yeah, sure.
A Just trying to remember it, you know.
Q249. Yeah.
(Background conversation)
JURJENS: No, thank you.
IVSHINA: I'll just try to recall what dates.


(Background conversation)
Q250. And just for the purpose of the tape - sorry.
A I'm trying to remember
Q251. Olga is just trying to calculate some - so - -
A Yeah.
Q252. there'll be a slight pause.
А (Laughs) Well.
Q253. We'll leave the tape running though.
A Okay. Yeah. Well, those days are a little bit mixed.
Q254. A
That's okay, That's all right. Unfortunately.
Q255. As we go through it may unfold again anyway.
A I see.
Q256. So it's - - -
A Because, yeah, I mean, I was trying to forget it sort of.
Q257. Yeah.
A (Laughs)
JURJENS: It's a way of coping with it.
IVSHINA: Yeah, yeah. No, no. I'm trying to record.
Q258. So if we could just move on then from the - -
A Yeah.

Q259. -- Monday. After that general conversation with your colleagues -
A Mm.

Q260. - about wanting to go to the Buk launch site.
A Launch site, yeah.
Q261. You then left early in the morning.
A I think it was the same driver stilll.
Q262. Okay.
A We had - we had a different driver on one of the days but I -
Q263. Was it the same car?
A It was the same car and the same driver, yeah, yeah.
Q264. All right. Okay. And where did you go to?
A First, we went to the - I think first we went to the launch site.
Q265. Can you recall where that is?
A Near Grabovo.


Q266. Near the crash site? _
A No, no, the crash site - - -
Q267. Yeah, yeah.
A We - we went to the crash site --
Q268. Oh, not the launch site, the crash site?
Q269. Yeah, the crash site.
A Crash - crash site.
Q270. Okay.
A First we went to the crash site. Yeah, yeah.
Q271. All right.
A First we went to the crash site.
Q272. That's the one near Grabovo.
А Grabovo, yeah, yeah.
Q273. Which is showed on the map. Okay.
Q274. So what time did you get to the crash sites roughly?
A Maybe it was - - -

Q275. Like, mid-morning?
A eleven or something I think.
Q276. All right.
A Don't really remember but - - -
Q277. No, that's okay.
A - the sun was, like, up already, like, quite high.
Q278. Can you tell us what you saw when you arrived over there?
A Well, the - the debris.
Q279. Yeah.
A The remains, human remains. There was some human remains, the luggage of people, some of their personal belongings. We saw one of the dead bodies being covered, like, it was on the - lying on the - on the edge of the - on the border sort of say of the road and the - the grass.
Q280. Right. M'mm
A Some - - -


Q281. When you say they were covering it were they using - could you describe what they were covering the body with?
A It was covered with a bag - a plastic thing I believe, something like that.
Q282. All right.
A There were emergency workers. There were miners.
Q283. Miners. Yeah.
А Miners. And then there were locals. We - while we were filming and going around we met first two ladies which are in my report, the mother and the daughter, those two ladies.
Q284. Yeah. You mean the woman with the black - blue - blue shirt on?
A I print - I printed them out.
Q285. Oh, perfect.
A (Laughs).
Q286. These ones here?
A Yeah, yeah - no, no, these - these two.
Q287. Yeah. Yeah. There's the mother and the daughter, yeah.
A Yes, they are.
Q288. Yeah.
A We met them on the road. This was where all the …(indistinct)…
Q289. Yeah. And this woman had a blue shirt on.
A Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q290. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q291. Are these the same ones you refer to in the transcript of witness one and witness two?
A Yes, yes. This is - they are.
Q292. Okay.
Q293. And which ones --
Q294. So the mother is witness one?
A Yes, she's one and then she's two.
Q295. Okay.
A The daughter is witness two.
NPN17183: Would it be something - -


AFP19112: Yeah.
Q296. Write it down. Can you write it down which is one and which is two?
Q297. I'll just put it down.
Q298. And that was - on the crash site itself when you spoke with them?
A Yeah, yeah.
Q299. Yeah?
A I mean, not they're near the burnt parts but, yeah, yeah, it was - - on the crash site. It was near this - I remember there was, like, big green …(indistinct)… . There was, like, a - you see a visual person. There was, like, this huge green thing many journalists like to make their pieces to camera there because it was huge piece, like, a big green thing over there.
Q300. Mm.
A A row and there was this huge thing and that there actually is the crucifixion which says Grabovo.
Q301. Yeah. Okay. And there's also the one near the chicken farm. Do you remember? Do you remember that?
A Mm.
Q302. Yeah. Is it this one?
Q303. All right. I'm just going to show the - for the purpose of the audio I'm just going to show the witness forensic map number two which is a close up of this area here that you mentioned before.
A Okay.

Q304. This is the road on the eastern side of the map which runs from south west to north east and this is the - what they call the crash area, crash site.
А Okay.
Q305. The road going up here to Grabovo.
А Grabovo, Okay,
Q306. Can you explain where you were here? That's a dam if that makes it easier for you in the centre of the photograph.
A No, no. You see, the problem was that it was July.
Q307. Yes.
A And the - the - how they call these things - there was - - -
Q308. These - - -
A The - the - --


Q309. The weed.
A The weed - the weed was very high.
Q310. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
A And this -
Q311. The sunflowers.
A The sunflowers were very high and you could barely - I mean, you can't see the - really the landscape.
Q312. No. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
A So it's hard -
Q313. Sure.
JURJENS: It is hard because if you're taller - - -
IVSHINA: Oh (Laughs) Well.
JURJENS: No (indistinct)..... criticism.
IVSHINA: No, no, that's fine (laughs) No, I'm fine.
AFP19112: Back pedalling there?
JURJENS: No, no, no, no, just - -
IVSHINA: We were on the road - - -
JURIENS: I can understand what she means.
IVSHINA: (Laughs).
JURJENS: (indistinct).
IVSHINA: It's hard for me to allocate which - which - where is this - -
Q314. Okay. I'll just show you on this -
A Crucifixion - like, the entrance to - to Grabovo,
Q315. Um.
A We were on the road -
Q316. It's hard to say but if we stick to the drawing, if you can make a new drawing.
A I can make a - yeah, I can make a proper drawing. Yeah.
Q317. I think it's much easier for you.
A Yeah. This was this, like, a road. It was narrow but it was with a proper coverage, like (indistinct)... We came through Torez, I believe, so I can't say which direction is Torez but, like, we came from - from this way.


Q318. Okay.
A Torez. So we came this way. And here was this crucifixion which was saying 'Grabovo'. And the - the village itself was like starting over there.
Q319. Is that the same site that the priest was at? Did you - were you there when the priest was there?
A Ah, I didn't see the priest but I think, yeah, there was it was covered in flowers… was like a small stone - -
Q320. Yes. Uh-huh.
A Grabovo. Ah - yeah, so there was emergency worker's camp - well, I think, probably scale but still.
Q321. That's all right.
A And emergency workers. They have tents here and huge …(indistinct)… like, huge heap of personal belongings or something because one of our colleagues, like, found something, like, yeah, and throw it to this - this thing. Ah, somebody's - so we were somewhere here, ah - -
Q322. Could you mark an 'x' on the track where you think you were?
A Yeah, I'm trying to - still trying to allocate this. So this was somewhere here roughly, this was a burnt patch, the one which was smoking, you know, where, yeah, it was in the - close to the - to the hou houses - houses. Ah, emergency workers. Then this green thing was here.
Q323. Green things, sorry?
A Like a big piece of wreckage.
Q324. Okay. So it's your understanding that green thing was part of the plane?
A Yeah - -
Q325. Okay.
A Yeah, yeah, definitely was a part of the plane. And here there were many wreckage and I think here, somewhere here, we met a body.

Q326. Okay.
A Body, another body in the water. Wreckage. Luggage. So we first stopped, like, somewhere here.
Q327. Okay.
A And ran into some remains, minor - minor human remains. Well, we didn't know, we just stopped and then, lie (verbally demonstrates)
Q328. When you say there were remains, can you describe what they were?
A How to say this? May I use the - -
Q329. Yes, by all means.
A - translator, yeah. The internal part of your stomach.


Q330. Oh, okay. That's okay, So just the internal organs?
A Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q331. Okay. That's okay. And they were internal organs that you belleved to belong to a person?
A Well, yeah, believe.

Q332. Okay.
A This photo was published on my Twitter so this is the green thing I referred to.
Q333. Ah, yeah, in the site of …(indistinct)…
A Yeah, yeah. And this was also part of it. So this is the crucifixion I referred to - - -
Q334. Yeah. Yeah.
A Yeah, this one.
Q335. This - yeah, cross, yeah.
A And this is this …(indistinct)… green thing.
Q336. And over there you spoke with two local ladies?
A Yeah, some - somewhere - somewhere on this road, I think it was roughly here.
Q337. Okay.
A I mean, it's - it's relatively long road so they were coming, like, all the way.
Q338. Was it a flat road or was there a dip or a hill, can you recall?
A Well, it was more or less flat. Well, I mean, according to Russian standards - - -
Q339. Yeah.
A - - it was like this. Maybe there was some minor - don't really remember.
Q340. Okay.
Q341. And how did you, ah - did they - how did you come in contact with each other?
A They were just walking and I just said - I'm, like, 'Hi, are you locals are you from somewhere around?' And they said, 'Well, we're from Rassapnoye' but, yeah, I said, like, 'Did you see anything, do you remember some - did you see the - the crash or, like, anything - regarding to that?" They're, like, 'Yeah, yeah." 'So - so can we talk to you, please?' And they said, "Yeah, yeah.' And they - they were very emotional. They were still, you know, quite affected by what happened and, yeah, they told us, so.


Q342. You're talking about still two women or three?
A No, it's - I still talk about those - - -
Q343. Those two?
A women. Those two women.
Q344. The first two.
A Yeah.
Q345. So those first two women?
A Yeah.
AFP19112: So witnesses one and two?
A Yeah, exactly.
Q346. Okay.
Q347. Thank you. And - well, can you recall again - yeah, we all have it here what they said but in general what they told you?
A Well, they told me that they - they saw that - they heard the - the sound of explosion or something like this. I mean, as far as I understand they don't really - you know, they are civilians.
Q348. Yeah, yeah.
A So they don't differ between, you know, when something is firing or when something is landing or they - they call it still all explosions or blasts or something like this. So they heard some sound of blast and because they were scared they ran out of house because they thought that - and they - they heard - they heard a blast and they also heard a sound of some aircraft being, you know, quite somewhere - somewhere near. So there was - - -
Q349. Yeah, a roaring sound.
A Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q350. Yeah.
A So they were scared and they ran out of their home - of their house and then they saw parts of the - what they think be … (indistinct)… parts of the airplane falling down, some bodies falling down and they also said that they saw aircraft, another aircraft which was not broken into pieces like the - aircraft which was - which flew near and then disappeared from their vision.
Q351. Okay. They told you they were at their house.
A Yes.
Q352. They flew out their house.
A Yeah.
Q353. Okay, Did they tell you more about that?
A Well, yeah, they - a little bit in more detail, yeah, because I kept asking questions, trying to find out exactly how it happened and also they were constantly referring, like, everyone saw it, everyone saw it


and I was, you know, trying to distinguish their exact impression from the things which - which were told to them by their neighbours. That's why I kept asking questions on what exactly did you see.
Q354. Yeah. And can you recall that, what they really have seen?
A Well, I - I - it was after several questions. But, yeah, yeah, that exactly what I said, so that they ran out. So they heard this noise (verbally demonstrates) and some blast. And then they ran out of their house. They, themselves, saw dismantling aircraft which was falling down. What they later found out that these were bodies, they could - they first didn't recognise that this was exactly bodies, so something falling down. And - and another aircraft, like, a small - like, another aircraft which passed by.
Q355. When you had that conversation with these two witnesses, witnesses one and two, you recorded that conversation on camera?
A Yes, I did.
Q356. Did you also record it on an audio device?
A No.
Q357. So that conversation you've recorded, is that the same one that was uploaded onto YouTube?
A Part of it.
Q358. Okay, Part of it. So there's more to the conversation that we haven't seen or heard?
A Well, I mean, the one you have seen it's part of the report.
Q359. Yes.
A Or a part of the package as we call it.
Q360. All right.
A And of course to prepare package you need the, to shoot more than is in the package.

Q361. All right. So if we apply to the BBC to get the full transcript of that recording that should be sufficient given that it contains further conversations?
JURJENS: Yeah, okay.
IVSHINA: Yes, it does.
Q362. And I'm not sure if you can recall or not but is that the YouTube address you're referring to? You don't know?
A I can't remember.
Q363. Just checking, I've got to check.
AFP19112: Got to check.

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