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Отчет DSB 13.10.15: MH17 Crash Appendix X - NLR Report

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On the left-hand wingtip upper surface, damage is observed from the front to
the rear. The direction to the damage origin is in the general direction to an area
slightly to the left of the cockpit, (Figure 30). All damage directions lead to the
same general area as indicated in Figure 31.

Figure 30: Damage to left wingtip



Figure 31: Overview of damage origin (not to scale) (Source: DSB)

2.12 Fragments found
In the wreckage of the cockpit several non-aircraft fragments were found that
are assessed to be the high-energy objects, or parts of the high-energy objects,
which penetrated the aircraft from the outside. A number of these fragments
have a distinct butterfly or bowtie shape, as the one seen in Figure 32.

Figure 32: Bowtie fragment found in the wreckage of the cockpit, size in mm (Source: DSB)



2.13 Damage examination conclusion
Based upon the damage examination on the wreckage of flight MH17 the
following conclusions can be drawn:
• The impact damage indicates that the aircraft was hit by small objects
originating from outside the aircraft and impacting the structure at high
• Over 350 hits are present on the wreckage of the cockpit and over 800
hits are estimated in total, accounting for the structure of the cockpit that
was not available.
• The origin, density, location, boundary and direction of the damage
indicate that the objects originated from a general location outside the
aircraft to the left of, and above, the cockpit.
• The damage on the left engine cowling ring and the left wingtip indicates
that these parts were hit by objects with a general direction from the
front to the rear.
• The pitting observed on the wreckage of the cockpit indicates an
explosion in the proximity of the cockpit.
• The size of the penetration damage indicates that the objects that caused
the damage to the cockpit had a size in the range of 6-14 mm.
• The size of the penetration damage indicates that the objects that caused
the damage to the engine cowling ring had a size in the range of 1-200
• The regularity of hits on the cockpit indicates that the damage is caused
by a preformed fragmentation warhead.
• The fragments found in the wreckage of the cockpit indicate that one
type of warhead fragment had a distinctive bowtie shape.
Based on the above points it is concluded that the impact damage on the
wreckage of flight MH17 is caused by a warhead with various types of preformed
fragments in the 6-14 mm size range, including one type with a bowtie shape,
detonating to the left of, and above, the cockpit.



3 Possible scenarios

3.1 Focus of investigation
To investigate the possible cause of the high-energy object damage three
scenarios were analysed. These scenarios are based on the following:
1. The high-energy object damage on flight MH17 is caused by the effects
of a weapon system from outside the aircraft.
2. Only weapon systems that are operated in the region are taken into
3.2 Proliferation
To generate a list of operational weapon systems in the region, a 400 km circle
around the last recorded position of the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) has been
drawn (Figure 33). Since the maximum range of all known operational missile
systems is less than 400 km, this ensures that a missile system would have to be
located within this circle at the time of launch. Two countries are located within
this circle: Ukraine and Russia. Since no information is available on the exact
location of the weapon systems of these two countries within their territories at
the time of the crash, all operational weapon systems of both countries are
taken into account. There is no evidence to suggest that weapon systems from
countries other than Ukraine and Russia were present in the region.

Figure 33 Circle with a 400 km radius around the last recorded position of the FDR (Source: Google earth)



3.3 Specific scenarios
Based on the criteria mentioned above, initially three scenarios using specific
weapon systems were derived. These scenarios and corresponding weapon
systems were selected based on their operational characteristics. Later on in the
investigation the number of investigated weapon systems was expanded to be
able to exclude complete classes of weapon systems.



4 Scenario 1: Air-to-Air Gun

4.1 Su-25 (Frogfoot)
The specific Air-to-Air Gun scenario focuses on the Sukhoi Su-25, NATO
designation: Frogfoot (Figure 34). The Su-25 is a single-seat, twin-engine,
subsonic, low altitude, ground attack aircraft. It was designed from the outset as
a dedicated Close Air Support (CAS) attack aircraft to provide support for ground
troops that are in close contact with enemy forces. Its main task is to engage
enemy ground forces, including tanks and armoured vehicles. Its role is
comparable to that of the American Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt.

Figure 34: Su-25

4.2 Su-25 Performance
The performance of the Su-25 is optimized for low altitude and will be mediocre
at best at higher altitudes. Its ceiling is limited but the aircraft is assessed to be
able to reach 33,000 feet (10,058 meter), the altitude flight MH17 was flying at.
The published service ceiling of 7,000 meter (around 23,000 feet) is for
physiological reasons because the aircraft is not equipped with a pressurized
cockpit. Oxygen is available for the pilot through the oxygen mask to allow
operation at altitudes above 10,000 feet (around 3,000 meter) and the pilot is
assessed to be able to briefly operate the aircraft at 33,000 feet.



The two jet engines of the Su-25 do not have afterburner capability, which limits
available power. Therefore the climb to 33,000 feet is assessed to take relatively
long (around 5 minutes) compared to less than 2 minutes for an afterburner
equipped aircraft. The manoeuvrability at 33,000 feet is assessed to be very
The maximum attainable True Airspeed (TAS) of the Su-25 at 33,000 feet was
calculated. As can be seen in Table 1 this airspeed falls well short of the airspeed
flight MH17 was flying at. This rules out a pursuit profile where the attacking
aircraft approaches the target aircraft from behind.

Table 1: Airspeed comparison

Speed TAS [knots]

Speed TAS [km/h]


484 (actual)

896 (actual)


405 (maximum)

750 (maximum)

Speed difference



4.3 Air-to-Air Guns overview
The investigation was expanded to cover all air-to-air gun capable aircraft in the
region. Table 2 and Table 3 give an overview of the combat aircraft armed with
guns, including the Su-25 Frogfoot, operated by the Russian Federation and
Ukraine. Each aircraft type listed in these tables has one or more versions. The
versions of the listed aircraft types either share the indicated gun or do not have
an operational gun system; therefore the individual versions are not listed. The
Air Force of the former Soviet Union has prohibited the Su-24 from using its gun
as a result of two crashes where premature ammunition detonation was a factor.
Since 1983, the Su-24 flies with a functional gun but without gun ammunition. It
is expected that the Ukrainian Air Force has also prohibited the use of the gun on
the Su-24. In the remainder of this text, the words gun and cannon will be used
Table 2: Ukrainian combat aircraft and their guns



Table 3: Russian Federation combat aircraft and their guns

4.4 Gsh-30
The GSh-30 is a twin-barrel automatic aircraft cannon (Figure 35). The calibre of
this cannon is 30 mm which means that the actual projectiles (bullets) leaving
the barrel have a diameter of 30 mm.

Figure 35: GSh-30 aircraft cannon (Source:



4.5 Gsh-301
The GSh-301 is a single-barrel automatic aircraft cannon (Figure 36). The calibre
of this cannon is 30 mm.

Figure 36: GSh-301 cannon

4.6 Gsh-6-23
The GSh-6-23 is a six-barrel, rotating automatic aircraft cannon (Figure 37). The
calibre of this cannon is 23 mm.

Figure 37: GSh-6-23 (Source:

4.7 Attack geometry
The high-energy object hits that have been identified are located on the left front
and upper side of the cockpit and the front of the left engine cowling ring. This
eliminates the most common attack direction for a gun attack: from the rear. In
order for an attacking aircraft to have hit flight MH17 on the left, front side, a left
frontal attack would have to be flown. In this attack profile the closing velocity
between the two aircraft is very high, leaving little time for proper aim and firing
of the gun. At the end of the attack, the attacking aircraft has to break away to



avoid a mid-air collision. This makes a left frontal attack a very difficult and
dangerous manoeuvre.
4.8 Visual identification
Because of the dynamics involved in an air-to-air gun attack, a gun sight is used
to visually aim the aircraft and the gun onto the target. The distance at which an
effective gun attack can be performed is limited. Within these short ranges, a
large aircraft such as the Boeing 777 will be clearly identifiable as a civilian
airliner by the attacking pilot. Therefore, an erroneous visual identification is
assessed to be highly unlikely.
4.9 Number of rounds
Over 350 high-energy object hits have been identified on the wreckage of the
cockpit of flight MH17 and over 800 hits are assessed to have hit the cockpit in
total, accounting for the structure that was not available. Table 2 and Table 3
show that the analysed aircraft carry a maximum of 150-260 rounds which
means that no aircraft could have produced this number of hits due to a lack of
ammunition. Also the number of projectiles (bullets) that will hit an airborne
target in a left frontal hemisphere attack is calculated to be several dozen at
best; much less than number of hits found on the wreckage of flight MH17.
4.10 Density
The density of the hits on an airborne target is assessed to be no more than
around 2 per square meter due to the difficulty in aiming, dispersion of the gun
and the dynamics of the attack manoeuvre. This is much less than the maximum
density of around 250 hits per square meter found on the wreckage of flight
4.11 Direction
Gun projectiles will travel in approximately parallel trajectories towards the
target. As seen in Section 2.10 the back traced trajectories of the high-energy
objects hitting flight MH17 all converge to a general location close to the aircraft
and are therefore not parallel.
4.12 Type of damage
A 23-mm or 30-mm armour-piercing projectile leaves a hole in a thin-walled
metal structure, such as that of an airliner, with a more or less round or elliptical
shape, with ragged edges, which are bent inwards. The size of the hole is at least
equal to, but generally more than the calibre of the projectile. Measurement of
the high-energy object damage on a wreckage panel of flight MH17 showed that



the average size of the holes in the panel is around 11 mm. A 23-mm or 30-mm
armour piercing projectile is not able to produce an 11 mm hole. An example of
the type of impact damage of a 30 mm armour-piercing projectile fired by a GSh-
30 cannon can be seen in Figure 38 and Figure 39. A 23-mm or 30-mm highexplosive projectile is designed to penetrate its target and explode after
penetration. Hence fragment damage will be generated from the inside, while
the blast of the explosion will deform the structure from inside out. If high
explosive-incendiary projectiles are used, additional fire damage is to be
expected on the inside of the target from the incendiary component of the
projectile. The above mentioned types of damage have not been observed on
the wreckage of flight MH17.

Figure 38: GSh-30 projectile damage (Source: YouTube)

Figure 39: GSh-30 projectile damage detail (Source: YouTube)



4.13 Air-to-Air Gun scenario conclusion
The damage observed on the wreckage is not consistent with the damage caused
by an air-to-air gun in number of hits, density of hits, direction of trajectories and
type of damage. The high-energy object damage on the wreckage of flight MH17
is therefore not caused by an air-to-air gun.



5 Scenario 2: Air-to-Air Missile

5.1 R-60
The specific Air-to-Air Missile scenario focuses on the R-60 (NATO designation:
AA-8 ‘Aphid’) air-to-air missile (Figure 40). The R-60 is a small, infrared-guided
missile for short-range air-to-air engagements. The missile is compatible with
most operational Soviet designed combat aircraft. The missile length is 2.10
meter and the missile mass is 44 kg, making it one of the smallest dedicated airto-air missiles in service.

Figure 40: R-60 air-to-air missile (Source:

5.2 Attack geometry
The infrared seeker of the R-60 is assessed to have almost no head-on capability
against an airliner type target. The seeker needs a clear line of sight to the hot
engine parts at the rear of the engine to obtain a solid lock. This means that the
only feasible attack geometry is a tail-on attack whereby the attacking aircraft
engages the target from the rear hemisphere.
5.3 Visual identification
The R-60 missile is only used for Within Visual Range (WVR) engagements,
meaning that it is limited to visual attacks only. The distance at which the seeker
of the R-60 can obtain a solid lock on an airliner is limited and at that distance a
large aircraft such as the Boeing 777 will be clearly identifiable as a civilian
airliner by the attacking pilot.



5.4 Amount of damage
The R-60 is equipped with a small 3 to 3.5 kg warhead with limited effectiveness.
The amount of high-energy object damage found on the wreckage of flight MH17
is not consistent with a warhead of this size.
5.5 Type of damage
The R-60 is equipped with a rod warhead. In this type of warhead a large number
of metal rods are aligned cylindrically on the outside of the explosive material.
Figure 41 shows this construction in a burned AIM-7 Sparrow warhead. This
particular warhead is around 11 times heavier than the R-60 warhead. Figure 42
shows the damage mechanism of a continuous rod warhead. In a continuous rod
warhead the rods are welded together at the ends. The blast expands the rods
outward creating an expanding continuous circle of rods. Where this circle hits,
the target will receive a continuous cut through the skin and any underlying
structure. Figure 43 shows an example of the damage caused by the continuous
rod warhead of the aforementioned AIM-7 Sparrow missile. In a discrete rod
warhead the rods are separate and not welded together. Figure 44 shows an
example of the damage caused by discrete rods on an aircraft structure. Both
types of rod warhead damage were not observed on the wreckage of flight

Figure 41: Burned AIM-7 Sparrow rod warhead (Source:



Figure 42: Continuous rod warhead damage mechanism (Source: Wikipedia)

Figure 43: AIM-7 Sparrow continuous rod warhead damage (Source:



Figure 44: Discrete rod damage (Source:

5.6 Used materials
The rods of the R-60 are made of depleted uranium. No traces of depleted
uranium were found on the wreckage of flight MH17.
5.7 R-60 Air-to-Air Missile scenario conclusion
The damage observed on the wreckage is not consistent with the damage caused
by the warhead of the R-60 air-to-air missile in amount of damage, type of
damage and used materials. The damage on the wreckage of flight MH17 is
therefore not caused by the R-60 air-to-air missile.
5.8 Air-to-Air Missile overview
Table 4 and Table 5 give an overview of the air-to-air missiles operated by the
Russian Federation and Ukraine. Each missile type listed in these tables has one
or more versions. The versions of the listed missile types share the indicated
warhead; therefore the individual versions are not listed.

Table 4: Ukrainian air-to-air missiles



Table 5: Russian Federation air-to-air missiles

Since no rod warhead damage was observed on the wreckage of flight MH17 the
air-to-air missiles using a rod warhead cannot have caused this damage. Purely
based upon warhead type, only the Russian Federation long range missiles R-33,
R-37 and R-40 could potentially have caused the damage seen on the wreckage.
Because the fragments used in these warheads do not include the distinctive
bowtie fragments found in the wreckage, these warheads cannot have caused
the damage to the wreckage of flight MH17.
5.9 Air-to-Air Missile scenario conclusion
The damage observed on the wreckage is not consistent with the damage caused
by the rod warheads used by most air-to-air missiles. The fragments of the
fragmentation warheads used by other air-to-air missiles are not consistent with
the bowtie fragments found in the wreckage. The damage on the wreckage of
flight MH17 is therefore not caused by an air-to-air missile.



6 Scenario 3: Surface-to-Air Missile

6.1 Surface-to-Air Missile overview
Around 20 types of surface-to-air missiles operational in the Russian Federation
and Ukraine that are capable of engaging a target at an altitude of 33,000 feet
are identified. All of these missiles use radar guidance and are equipped with a
fragmentation warhead. It is assessed that only the 9M38 family of missiles from
the BUK family of surface-to-air missile systems are equipped with a
fragmentation warhead that uses the unique bowtie shaped fragments found in
the wreckage of flight MH17. This information is confirmed by weapon experts of
the Russian Federation Investigation Team as well as a representative of AlmazAntey, the largest Russian weapon manufacturer and manufacturer of the BUK
surface-to-air missile system. The Surface-to-Air Missile scenario therefore
focuses solely on the 9M38 family of missiles used by the BUK family of surfaceto-air missile systems.
6.2 BUK Surface-to-Air Missile system
The Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) scenario focuses on the 9K37 BUK surface-to-air
missile system, NATO designation SA-11/SA-17. The BUK is a medium range, lowto-high altitude, mobile air defence system with semi-active radar guided
missiles. The system was designed in the former Soviet Union as a further
development of its predecessor, the 2K12 KUB (NATO designation SA-6). The BUK
became operational in 1979 and has since then gone through several upgrades.
Table 6 shows the different versions of the BUK.

Table 6: Versions of the BUK Surface to Air Missile system

The launching vehicle is called a Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar
(TELAR). As can be seen in Table 6, several TELARs are capable of launching two
missile types. The three 9A310 family of TELARs are virtually indistinguishable



from each other from the outside. The 9A317 TELAR can be recognized by the
smaller radome compared to the 9A310 family of TELARs. The large radome of
the 9A310 family of TELARs can be seen on the left side of the rotating upper
structure in Figure 45.

Figure 45: BUK-M1-2 Surface-to-Air Missile System Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR)
9A310M1-2 with two 9M317 missiles (left) and two 9M38M1 missiles (right)

6.4 Normal operation
In normal operation the BUK surface-to-air missile system operates as a unit of
several tracked vehicles consisting of:
• one Target Acquisition Radar (TAR) vehicle
• one Command Post (CP) vehicle
• several Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR) vehicles
• several Transporter Erector Launcher and Loader(TELL) vehicles
• technical, maintenance and other support vehicles
A normal mode of operation starts when the Command Post receives target
information from higher echelons and uses the Target Acquisition Radar (TAR) to
search for and detect possible targets. When a potential target has been
detected and identified as hostile, the fire control radar of the TELAR will acquire
and track the target. When the target gets within range, it is possible to engage
the target with one or more missiles from the TELAR and/or TELL.



6.5 Autonomous operation
Unlike its predecessor, the KUB, each BUK TELAR is equipped with its own fire
control radar located inside the radome. This gives the TELAR the possibility to
search and engage a target independently and operate completely
autonomously, even if an attack has disabled the Target Acquisition Radar and/or
the Command Post. The TELAR is limited to mechanically scan a limited sector
(whereas the TAR could provide 360° coverage), with an antenna designed to
track a target. The time needed for the TELAR to detect a target is longer than
during normal operation, but the system is still able to engage a target using only
the TELAR without any outside assistance.
6.6 BUK missile
Table 7 gives an overview of the operational versions of the BUK missile in the
region and the corresponding warheads.
Table 7: BUK missile versions

As can be seen in this table the 9M38 missile can be equipped with both the
9N314 and the 9N314M warhead. A representative of Almaz-Antey, the
manufacturer of the BUK surface-to-air missile system, stated that only the
9N314M warhead contains bowtie fragments. The 9M38 and the 9M38M1
missiles are virtually indistinguishable from each other from the outside. The
9M317 missile has a different, higher span and shorter chord wing design
compared to the earlier missiles, as can be seen in Figure 45. In the remainder of
the text the designation 9M38(M1) will be used to refer to both the 9M38 and
the 9M38M1.
The 9M38(M1) missile is 5.55 m long, weighs 690 kg and uses semi-active radar
homing with Proportional-Navigation guidance. In semi-active radar homing
systems the active tracking radar on the ground (in the case of the BUK system in
the TELAR) illuminates the target with a beam of radar energy. The passive radar
seeker in the nose of the missile tracks the radar energy reflected off the target.
Proportional-Navigation guidance systems use the target tracking information
obtained from the seeker to steer the missile directly towards the predicted
collision point with the target. After launch, the missile will perform an initial



course correction towards this collision point. If the target does not manoeuvre
or change its velocity, the missile will follow a more or less straight path towards
this collision point for the remainder of the flight.
6.7 Altitude capability
Both the BUK fire control radar and the missile have an altitude capability of well
over 33,000 feet, the altitude flight MH17 was flying at.
6.8 Proximity fuse
The 9M38(M1) missile is equipped with both an impact and a proximity fuse. The
impact fuse detonates the warhead when the missile directly hits the target. In
most cases however the missile will not directly hit the target but will pass the
target in close proximity. The proximity fuse uses a beam of radar energy in a
cone with an angle forward with respect to the missile axis to sense the presence
of a target. When a part of the target passes through the beam, the target is
detected and after a short delay the fuse will detonate the missile's warhead.
The proximity fuse of the 9M38(M1) missile was simulated during the approach
towards the Boeing 777. This showed that, because of the forward looking angle
of the proximity fuse, the aircraft is detected before the missile body passes the
aircraft. Almaz-Antey, the manufacturer of the BUK surface-to-air missile system,
provided additional information on the working and the delay timings of the
proximity fuse of the 9M38(M1) missile [4]. Based on this information and the
simulations of the missile approach it was assessed that the time required for the
proximity fuse to detect the aircraft, execute the required delay and detonate
the warhead to the left of, and above, the cockpit, falls within the limits of
normal operation. The location of the damage on the wreckage of flight MH17 is
therefore consistent with the effects of a warhead detonation point outside the
aircraft initiated by the proximity fuse of the 9M38(M1) missile.
6.9 Amount of damage
The 9M38(M1) missile carries a relatively large 70 kg high-explosive
fragmentation warhead. The amount of damage observed on the wreckage of
flight MH17 is consistent with a warhead of this size.
6.10 Type of damage
The 9M38(M1) missile has a preformed fragmentation warhead. In a preformed
fragmentation warhead the case surrounding the explosive material is composed
of one or more layers of preformed (separate) fragments. This is different to the
natural fragmentation of a smooth case and the controlled fragmentation of a



grooved or scored case in which cases the fragments are formed by the explosive
force at the moment of detonation. The fragments of a preformed fragmentation
warhead are arranged regularly around the circumference of the warhead and
stay intact after detonation of the warhead. The damage of preformed
fragmentation is different from that of natural and controlled fragmentation and
very distinct in that the preformed fragments give a regular pattern of fragment
impacts on the target. These regular impacts are observed in the cockpit area of
the wreckage. The type of damage observed on the wreckage of the cockpit of
flight MH17 is consistent with the type of damage caused by the preformed
fragmentation warhead of the 9M38(M1) missile.



6.11 Bowtie fragments
In the wreckage of flight MH17 several non-aircraft related, foreign fragments
were found that are assessed to be the high-energy objects, or parts of the highenergy objects, that penetrated the aircraft from the outside. A number of these
fragments found in the cockpit area have a distinct butterfly or bowtie shape, as
the one seen in Figure 46. These fragments are recognized as one of the three
types of preformed fragments used in the 9N314M warhead of the 9M38 and
9M38M1 missiles. Figure 47 shows these bowtie fragments in an inert 9N314M
warhead. Accounting for deformation and abrasion due to explosion and impact,
the bowtie fragments found in the wreckage of flight MH17 match the 9N314M
warhead bowtie preformed fragments in shape, size and weight.

Figure 46: Bowtie fragment found in the wreckage of the cockpit, size in mm (Source: DSB)

Figure 47: 9N314M warhead fragments in an inert warhead (Source:



6.12 Number and density of hits
The 9N314M warhead is composed of approximately 7800 preformed fragments
of three different shapes which are arranged in two layers. See Figure 48 and
Figure 49 for pictures of a 9N314M warhead. A digital reconstruction of the
9N314M warhead fragment arrangement can be seen in Figure 50. The inner
layer consists of bowtie and filler fragments and spans the entire length of the
warhead. The outer layer consists of squares and spans approximately three
quarters of the warhead length as can be seen by the change in diameter on the
top half of Figure 49. The number and density of hits on the wreckage of the
cockpit is consistent with the number and density of hits expected from the
detonation of a 9N314M warhead.

Figure 48: 9N314M warhead fragment layers in an inert warhead. (Source:



Figure 49: 9N314M warhead (Source: Almaz-Antey)

Figure 50: Digital reconstruction of BUK warhead fragment arrangement (Source: AAIB)



6.13 Fragment dimensions
In Section 2.6 the size of the penetration damage was found to range from 6 mm
to 14 mm. Figure 51 shows the fragment dimensions of bowtie, filler and square
fragments of the 9N314M warhead. Comparison shows that the fragment
dimensions of the 9N314M warhead matches with the damage size found on the
cockpit area of the wreckage.

Figure 51: Fragment dimensions of bowtie (left), filler (upper right) and square (lower right) (Source: AAIB)

6.14 Static warhead model
In a warhead using preformed fragments, the separate fragments are ejected by
the blast and propagate away from the detonation point in an expanding ringlike pattern. Figure 52 shows an example of the fragmentation pattern of a
stationary, horizontal high-explosive fragmentation warhead detonation. This
fragmentation pattern creates a bounded fragment spray zone as can be seen in
Figure 53. The static fragment spray zone boundaries are defined by the angle α1
with respect to the missile (warhead) axis of the leading (most forward) fragment
and the angle α2 of the trailing (most rearward) fragment. Theoretically, all the
fragments that propagate away from the detonation will be within the fragment
spray zone between these two boundaries. Using a mathematical model of the
9N314M warhead these angles were calculated by TNO together with the
fragments initial velocities V0 [3].



Figure 52: Fragmentation pattern of a stationary, horizontal high-explosive fragmentation warhead
detonation. (Source: The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design, Robert E. Ball)

Figure 53: Fragment Spray Zone of a static detonation of a cylindrical warhead. (Source: The Fundamentals
of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design, Robert E. Ball)



6.15 Dynamic fragmentation pattern
The fragmentation pattern including the fragment spray zone and the initial
velocities calculated in the previous section are valid for a stationary detonation
only. In an actual engagement the warhead travels with the missile at the same
speed as the missile. The forward velocity of the warhead (and missile) needs to
be added to the fragment initial velocities in a vector sum. This changes the
angles of the fragmentation pattern forward, as can be seen on the right hand
side of Figure 54.

Figure 54: Change in fragmentation pattern from static (left) to dynamic (right) due to warhead forward



6.16 Primary and secondary fragmentation pattern
The fragmentation pattern described in the previous sections is called the
primary or main fragmentation pattern. All the preformed fragments (bowtie,
filler and square) that will become the high-energy objects are found within the
fragment spray zone defined by this primary fragmentation pattern. However
the warhead is not located at the very front of the missile. In front of the
warhead the guidance, electronics, proximity fuse and seeker sections are
located. Upon detonation of the warhead these sections will disintegrate and
create a secondary fragmentation pattern moving forward in the direction of
flight of the missile in a cone as shown in green in Figure 55.

Figure 55: Primary (red) and secondary (green) fragmentation pattern. (Source:

6.17 Matching modelled and observed fragmentation damage
Using the dynamic primary fragmentation pattern calculated in the previous
sections, the known speed of flight MH17 and a 3D-model of the Boeing 777, a
simulation model of the location, the impact angles and the boundaries of the
primary fragmentation on the fuselage of the Boeing 777 was constructed. Light
was used to visualize the area of the fuselage exposed to the dynamic primary
fragment spray of the warhead. This Fragmentation Visualization Model was
used to match the calculated fragment spray of the warhead with the observed
high-energy object damage on the cockpit as described in Chapter 2 in both
location, boundary and impact angle.



The best match was obtained for a detonation location of the warhead of 0.25
metres ahead of the aircraft’s nose, 3 metres to the left of, and 3.7 metres above
the tip of the nose. The missile was travelling at a speed of approximately 700
m/s in the opposite direction to the direction of flight of the aircraft, approaching
7 degrees from below and 20 degrees from the right with respect to the aircraft
forward axis.
Using the warhead detonation point with this location, speed and orientation
(angles), the Fragmentation Visualization Model matches the damage observed
on the wreckage of flight MH17. Examples are:
• The boundary and angle of the grazing high-energy object impacts on the
roof of the cockpit (Figure 56).
• The boundary and angle of the grazing high-energy object impacts on the
left-hand side of the cockpit (Figure 57).
• The boundary of the high-energy object impacts on the captain's (lefthand) front cockpit window and the area of highest damage density
around the middle cockpit window on the left-hand side (Figure 58).
• The unaffected area of the cockpit on the right-hand side (Figure 59).
The boundary and angles of the damage on the wreckage of the cockpit of flight
MH17 is consistent with the primary fragmentation pattern of the 9N314M

Figure 56: Matching of high-energy object impacts on cockpit roof

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