JURJENS: Yeah, of course.
Q364. Now - and also in relation to that conversation with the witnesses they said there was a second aircraft.
A Yes, there is.
Q365. A smaller aircraft?
A Well, they didn't call it smaller, they said it was - how did they say - well, they said there was another jet, they call it another jet.
Q366. Okay,
Q367. Another jet.
A There was another jet.
Q368. So when they said another jet did they describe it by any other means, like, was it civilian or military jets?
A Can I say? (Laughs)
JURJENS: Is this part of the transcript of the full conversation?
IVSHINA: It says here. This one. Yes, yes, they describe it as a - yeah, I mean
I'm just -
Q369. Sorry, described it as a?
А They described it as a military jet.
Q370. Military jet.
A Yeah.
Q371. Now, when they described it as a military jet did they give further - - - details, ie, was it from a particular country?
A They - I ask them several times. They told that they - well, they saw that it was a military jet because it has, you know, different - well it has a particular view, so to say. They, themselves - and they believe it's a Ukrainian jet. They, themselves, didn't see it in particular detail but they referred - well, they referred to the - there is a bit in conversation which wasn't in the report and then there - there is some detail about that.
Q372. All right.
JURJENS: It might be interesting for it - because in the transcript of the - there are no details and - they don't refer to any details and they don't identify the other military jet as a jet by details.
IVSHINA: They say it's military jet, they - - -