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Отчет DSB 13.10.15: Crash MH17, 17 July 2014

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The pattern of damage observed in the forward fuselage and cockpit area of the
aeroplane was consistent with the damage that would be expected from a large number
of high-energy objects that perforated the aeroplane from outside. The impact damage,
described in paragraph 2.12.2, was caused by foreign objects. The examinations of these
objects (see Section 2.16) classifed these objects as high-energy objects that originated
from outside the aeroplane.
The damage observed showed evidence of both piercing and plugging perforation
damage with entry damage bending plate material inwards. The non-penetrating
damage as well as the ricochet damage clearly originated from outside the aeroplane.
On a number of places on the structure, where multiple layers of plate material are
riveted together, some high-energy objects impacted the structure at a shallow angle,
perforated the frst outer plate but ricocheted back off the second plate, and exited
through the outer plate.
The main location of the damage of high-energy objects was on the left hand and upper
side of the cockpit. The right hand side of the cockpit showed no high-energy object
damage. As is shown in Figure 45 the two cockpit windows on the right hand side and
the surrounding structure were unaffected by high-energy object impact.
Figure 45: Right hand side of cockpit. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

There was a relatively clear boundary between parts of the wreckage that were affected
by the high-energy object impacts and parts that were unaffected. On the front side of
the cockpit, the boundary was the forward corner of the left hand front window. The
most forward impact damage occurred just above and aft of this corner. On the top and
right hand side of the cockpit the damage boundary was indicated by the ricochet



impacts on the cockpit roof as indicated in Figure 46. To the right of this area no impact
damage was present. On the left hand side, the rear impact damage boundary was found
in front of the left hand forward passenger door.
Figure 46: Right hand side cockpit roof, looking front to back. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

The total number of hits (over 350), of all types of impact damage, on the available
wreckage of the cockpit suggests that the total number of hits of high-energy objects
was well over 800. The highest density of hits on the left hand side of the cockpit was
calculated to be over 250 hits per square metre. The highest density of hits was on the
left front windows.
Figure 47 shows the high-energy object damage observed on a number of parts of
wreckage. In addition, such damage was also noted in a panel of the cockpit roof. The
high-energy object damage was primarily limited to the left hand side of the cockpit and
a small part of the fuselage immediately aft of that. At the rearward edge of the panel,
positioned on the left hand side of the aeroplane between approximately STA220 and
STA410 close to the forward passenger door and on panels further away from the cockpit,
no high-energy object damage was noted. The cockpit panel at STA132.5 appeared to
be the leading edge of the high-energy object damage.


Figure 47: Part of the left hand cockpit window frame with enlarged detail. The perforation damage had a
                regular pattern of larger and smaller holes. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

The skin plates were further damaged by pitting, which may have been caused by the
impact of many small hot particles such as high explosive residue and molten metal. The
pitting damage occurred locally; adjacent panels did not show any pitting damag


Figure 48: Cockpit bulkhead at junction with radome. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

There was no perforation damage found in the cockpit bulkhead (Figure 48) that can be
identifed, with any certainty, as being from the perforation of high-energy objects. The
perforation in the bulkhead was the result of other parts of the cockpit’s structure having
pushed through the plating.
For the non-perforating ricochet and grazing hits, the angle relative to the structure was
measured to give a direction in the flat plane of the structure plate. This was done for the
cockpit roof (see Figure 49), the lower left hand cockpit side and aft of the cockpit windows.
Figure 49: Grazing on cockpit roof. (Source: NLR)



The orientation of the ricochet and grazing marks on the cockpit roof are not parallel but
they appear to converge towards a point left of the cockpit. Other ricochet and grazing
marks were noted on the left wing tip.
To determine the trajectory of the high-energy objects, the direction of the impact
damage was analysed on several parts of the cockpit area. Using fbreglass rods and
three-dimensional scans of the structure the direction of high-energy objects penetrating
multiple layers of material was determined. A network of lines of string passed through
straight lines of damage was set up. This is known as ‘stringing’ and is used to analyse the
general direction of impact damage as shown in Figure 50. The results show trajectories
of perforating damage converging to a general area to the left of, and above, the cockpit.
Figure 50: Impression of stringing of the cockpit. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

Using the shape and orientation of the witness marks, including the perforation holes in
the engine intake ring and left wing tip, a trajectory direction was derived. There, most of
the individual perforation holes were signifcantly larger than those found in the wreckage
of the cockpit.
It should be noted that although the ‘stringing’ is brought to a single point in Figure 50,
it is not suggested that the point of detonation was actually a small single point. The
lines are brought together to illustrate the divergent nature of the spray pattern of the
high-energy objects. Stringing is only used to generate an indication of the detonation’s
position and is not intended to identify a specifc point in space.
In addition to the damage caused by the perforation or ricocheting of high-energy
objects, evidence was found for the effects of detonation blast. For example, the cockpit
floor plate to the left of the left hand seat showed blast deposits, direct pressure damage,
extensive fragmentation damage and extensive fragment holing.м



Another example of blast damage was found in a panel on the right hand side of the
fuselage between STA250 and STA330 (see Figure 51); the fuselage skin was pushed-in
in the areas relative to the fuselage’s structural support elements (i.e. the stringers and
frame). These structural support elements showed no deformation. The sort of damage
noted is typical of a phenomenon known as ’dishing’. Dishing is a type of damage
associated with the effects of blast.
Figure 51: Blast damage on the forward right hand side of the fuselage. The panel was also damaged by the
               break-up of the aeroplane and impact with the ground. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)




• The damage observed on the forward fuselage and cockpit area of the aeroplane
indicated that there were multiple impacts from over 800 high-energy objects
from outside the aeroplane.
• The back-traced trajectories of perforating damage converged to a general area
to the left of, and above, the cockpit.
• The wreckage of the aeroplane contained over 350 hits from high-energy objects
that struck the outside of the aeroplane. These witness marks were concentrated
in a band around the left hand side of the fuselage starting adjacent to the cockpit
windows 2 and 3. The concentration reduced rearwards of this area and it ended
ahead of the front left passenger door, door 1L. The highest density was
approximately 250 witness marks per square metre.
• Evidence of blast damage was found around the cockpit in the form of pitting
and soot. Some forward fuselage panels showed deformation as a result of the

3.6 Weapon systems

In the paragraphs above, a number of external sources of damage were analysed and
excluded. Because of the nature of the damage, weapon systems that potentially could
have caused damage to the aeroplane were analysed. The damage produced by each
weapon system was then compared to the damage found on the aeroplane and to the
injuries sustained by the aeroplane’s occupants. The weapon systems considered were:
• air-to-air gun/cannon;
• air-to-air missile;
• surface-to-air missile.
Although many sorts of weapons exist, the investigation focused on those weapons that
were considered potentially relevant and are common in the region.
3.6.1 Air-to-air gun/cannon
The number of bullets (typically either armour-piercing or high-explosive) that would
have impacted the aeroplane in the case of air-to-air gunfre under the prevailing
conditions (i.e. a left frontal hemisphere attack at about 30,000 feet and at the cruise
speed of flight MH17) is expected not to exceed several dozen at best. This is a much
lower number than the 350 high-energy object hits that were found on the wreckage of
the cockpit.
Air-to-air gun/cannon fre does not produce fragments in the shape of cubes or bow-ties
as were found in the wreckage and in the bodies of three of the crew members.
In addition, for an air-to-air gun/cannon to have caused the damage found, another
aircraft would have to have been recorded by, at least primary radar data. The analysis in



paragraph 3.4.2 of this report shows that no (military) aeroplanes were within at least 30
km of flight MH17 at the time of the crash. Primary radar data was available for an area
between about 30 to 60 km to the south of the aeroplane’s fnal position and about 90
km to the north and east and about 200 km to the west.

The high-energy object damage was not caused by an air-to-air gun or cannon
• the number of the perforations was not consistent with gunfre, and
• air-to-air gun/cannon fre does not produce fragments with the distinctive forms
that were found in the wreckage and in the bodies of three of the crew members.

3.6.2 Air-to-air missile
Two types of air-to-air missile were considered in the investigation; those with a warhead
flled with rods and those with a fragmentation warhead.
Air-to-air missiles with a warhead flled with rods eject a ring of metal rods after the
warhead’s explosive charge detonates near its target. The rods then cut into the target.
Figure 52 shows an example of the typical damage pattern; where the rods separated
into individual high-energy objects.
Figure 52: Example of damage caused by metal rod warheads. (Source: PPRuNe, via NLR)

Other air-to-air missiles have fragmentation warheads; warheads that are designed to
fragment into small, high-energy objects on detonation.128 of 279
Table 14 provides an overview of typical air-to-air missiles in use in the region. The table
is simplifed and excludes variants and derivative versions of the weapons



Table 14 provides an overview of typical air-to-air missiles in use in the region. The table
is simplifed and excludes variants and derivative versions of the weapons.
Table 14: Typical air-to-air missiles present in the region.

текст  таб.14

Air-to-air missile type
Warhead type
Warhead contains bow-tie shaped fragments
Warhead mass (kg)

No evidence of the characteristic damage produced by a rod warhead was identifed
and no rods were found within the wreckage. Of the three missiles listed in Table 14 with
fragmentation warheads, none contain the bow-tie shaped fragments described in
Section 2.16. As none of those air-to-air missiles in use in the region having fragmentation
warheads that include bow-tie shaped fragments, these missiles cannot have caused the
damage to flight MH17.
In addition, for an air-to-air missile to have caused the damage found, another aircraft
would have to have been recorded by, at least primary radar data.

• The damage pattern found in the aeroplane’s wreckage does not match the
damage expected from any of the air-to-air missiles in use in the region.
• None of the air-to-air missiles in use in the region have the distinctly formed
bow-tie shaped fragments in their warhead.

3.6.3 Surface-to-air missile
In the previous paragraphs, possible scenarios from both internal and external sources
have been excluded on the basis that these sources do not match the damage described
in Section 2.12 and the high-energy objects that were found in the bodies of the crew
members in the cockpit and in the wreckage as described in Section 2.13. A fnal source
is considered in this paragraph; the surface-to-air missile.
In the investigation, two types of surface-to-air missile were considered. Portable,
shoulder-launched missiles known as man-portable air-defence system (MANPADS) and
larger systems which may be mobile or fxed installations. The basic difference in the
systems is in size and range.



MANPADS could not have caused damage to the aeroplane, because the altitude of
flight MH17 (33,000 feet) cannot be reached by MANPADS.
Considering larger systems, these are usually radar guided weapons with guidance being
provided by a combination of ground control and autonomous ‘seeker’ control. All warheads
detonate on impact with a target but some also detonate at close proximity on passing the
target. A proximity fuse uses a beam of radar or laser energy in a cone with a forward angle
with respect to the missile axis to sense the presence of a target. When a part of the target
passes through the beam, the target is detected and shortly thereafter the fuse will detonate
the missile’s warhead. The warhead is typically a fragmentation device. Fragmentation
warheads are composed of between hundreds and several thousand pre-formed fragments,
possibly of different shapes, in layer or layers around an explosive core. On detonation, the
warhead showers the target with these small metal fragments; objects that are designed to
penetrate the target aircraft structure and weaken it so that it is severely damaged or
destroyed. Although designed to destroy high-flying military aeroplanes, some of these
systems have the capability, in terms of both range and speed, to engage an aeroplane
such as a Boeing 777 operating at the altitude and speed of flight MH17.
The generic form of a surface-to-air missile is shown in Figure 53
Figure 53: Generic form of a surface-to-air missile. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

текст рис.53

Radome/Nose section
Fins/Control Surfaces
Seeker/ Guidance unit
Engine/Propulsion Unit
Autopilot/ Control Unit
Body/Outer skin
Engine Nozzle

There are three different types of fragmentation warhead; pre-formed, smooth and
grooved or scored case. In a pre-formed fragmentation warhead, the case surrounding
the explosive material is composed of one or more layers of pre-formed, separate,
fragments closely packed together. This is different to the natural fragmentation of a
smooth case and the controlled fragmentation of a grooved or scored case where the
fragments are formed by the explosive force at the moment of detonation. The fragments
of a pre-formed fragmentation warhead are arranged regularly around the circumference
of the warhead. The fragmentation pattern created after the warhead’s detonation is a
bounded fragment spray zone primarily consisting of pre-formed fragments. The damage
caused by pre-formed fragmentation is different from that of natural and controlled
fragmentation and is very distinct in that the pre-formed fragments give a regular pattern
of fragment impacts within a bounded area on the structure of the target.
In a warhead using pre-formed fragments, the separate fragments propagate from the
detonation point in an expanding, divergent, ring-like pattern (see Figure 54).


Figure 54: Fragmentation pattern of a stationary, horizontal high-explosive fragmentation warhead detonation.
                (Source: The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design*19, Robert E. Ball,
                reprinted by permission of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.)
The fragmentation pattern consists of several sections. In simple terms, two patterns can
be considered; the primary and the secondary pattern. After warhead detonation, the
pre-formed fragments form the primary fragmentation pattern. The warhead is not
located at the very front of the missile as it is behind the guidance, electronics, proximity
fuse and seeker sections. Upon detonation of the warhead, these parts will disintegrate
and create a secondary fragmentation pattern moving forward in a cone as shown in
Figure 55
Figure 55: Primary (red) and secondary (yellow) fragmentation pattern. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

текст рис.55

Warhead Engine/Propulsion Unit
Guidance unit
Nose section
Wings Fins/Control Surfaces
Control Unit Body/Outer skin

• MANPADS could not have caused damage to the aeroplane, because the altitude
of flight MH17 (33,000 feet) cannot be reached by MANPADS.
• Other, larger, types of surface-to-air missiles with fragmentation warheads are
able to engage aeroplanes of the size and speed of a Boeing 777 at its cruising
• Pre-formed fragmentation warheads contain fragments of different shapes.

*19 From Second Edition 2003, Figure 3.23 and 3.24.



3.6.4 Multiple weapon impacts
The investigation also examined the available data and wreckage to address the
hypothesis that the aeroplane was struck by more than one weapon. The damage to the
forward part of the aeroplane requires that at least one surface-to-air weapon is a part of
the scenario. Three scenarios are considered:
• Two surface-to-air weapons struck the aeroplane;
• A surface-to-air weapon and aerial cannon fre, struck the aeroplane;
• A surface-to-air weapon and an air-to-air missile struck the aeroplane.
The aeroplane’s wreckage showed that all of the high-energy objects that perforated the
aeroplane originated from a single volume in space. No other witness marks were found.
The hypothesis that a second surface-to-air weapon detonated near to a part of the
aeroplane that was not recovered, i.e. wings or centre section, was discounted as the
wreckage distribution described in paragraph 2.12.2 would be different as the break-up
of a wing would affect the path that the damaged aeroplane followed.

Considering the wreckage distribution, the damage patterns and the fact that only
once source of damage was found, the aeroplane was not struck by more than one

3.6.5 Surface-to-air weapon systems common in the region
In the previous paragraphs, air-to-air weapons and all surface-to-air weapons not having
a pre-formed fragmentation warhead were excluded on the basis of the damage pattern
found, the injuries sustained by three crew members in the cockpit, the fragments found
and the wreckage distribution. This paragraph continues the analysis further by reviewing
surface-to-air weapons with pre-formed fragmentation warheads that were, potentially,
in use in the region.
There are around twenty types of surface-to-air missiles common in the region that are
capable of engaging a target at an altitude of 33,000 feet. All of these types use radar
guidance and are equipped with a fragmentation warhead. Three systems, potentially
relevant to the investigation, are noted in Table 15.
System name                         S-300                    S-200                   9K37
Missile (typical)                       5V55                     5V28               9M38/9M38M1
Warhead mass (kg)                  130                       220                      70
Fragment shape and       Cubic (5 x 5 x 5)        Mix of round           Mix of cubic (8 x 8 x 5
size (mm)                                                     balls (9 and 12)       and 6 x 6 x 8.2) and
                                                                                                 bow-ties (13 x 13 x 8)
Table 15: Typical surface-to-air weapon systems in the region



It is noted that the shapes of the pre-formed fragments found in the wreckage and the
bodies of crew members in the cockpit; bow-tie and cubes, are only found in the 9N314M
warhead (see Figure 56). The 9N314M warhead can be ftted to the 9M38M1 missile.
These missiles are launched from a Buk surface-to-air missile system (see Figure 57).
Figure 56: Left: Sample 9N314M warhead. (Source: JSC Concern Almaz-Antey). Centre: from top to bottom,
                square, bow-tie and fller fragments. (Source: JSC Concern Almaz-Antey). Right: 3D print of the
                pre-formed fragment arrangement. (Source: AAIB). Note: the model name for the 9N314M
                warhead is shown on the left hand image in Cyrillic text, ‘9H314M’.

The Buk surface-to-air missile system is present in this region and is the only weapon
system whose missiles have warheads containing, among other fragments, pre-formed
fragments in the shape of a bow-tie in its warhead.
The Buk is a medium range, mobile weapon system equipped with semi-active radar
guided missiles. Its generic designation in the Russian Federation is 9K37 and its NATO
designation is SA-11. The Buk became operational in 1979 and has since then gone
through several upgrades. The system was designed in the former Soviet Union as a
further development of its predecessor, the 2K12 Kub missile system (NATO designation,
According to the manufacturer of the Buk surface-to-air missile system, JSC Concern
Almaz-Antey, the oldest version of the missile system (Kub) and the latest version (Buk-M2
series) could not have been used because they are not equipped with a 9N314M warhead.
According to the Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice,
both the 9M38 and 9M38M1 missiles can carry the 9N314M warhead (see Table 16)


Figure 57: A typical Buk surface-to-air missile system. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

Normally, the system operates as unit of several vehicles, consisting of:
• one Target Acquisition Radar;
• one Command Post;
• several Transporter Erector/Launcher and Radar vehicles;
• several Transporter/Erector/Launcher and Loader vehicles;
• technical, maintenance and other support vehicles.
The Target Acquisition Radar will search for and detect targets. Once a target has been
detected by the Target Acquisition Radar, the fre control radar in the Transporter/
Erector/Launcher and Radar vehicle can acquire and track the target. Once in range, a
missile from the Transporter/Erector/Launcher and Radar vehicles can be launched to
engage the target. However, each Buk Transporter/Erector/Launcher and Radar vehicle is
equipped with its own fre control radar, allowing the vehicle to search for and engage
with a target independently.



Warhead                                                               9N314M
Missile                                            9M38                                        9M38M1
Name                                             Buk                 Buk M1               Buk M1-2
Designator                                     9K37                 9K37M               9K37M1-2
NATO code                                     SA-11                SA-11                SA-11
Year introduced                               1979                 1983                  1988
Table 16: Relevant combinations of missile and warhead on the Buk surface-to-air missile system.

targeBuk operating characteristics
• The missiles used by the Buk, the 9M38 and 9M38M1 missiles, are all about 5.55 m
long, weigh about 700 kg and use semi-active radar homing with proportionalnavigation guidance. In semi-active radar homing systems the active tracking radar
on the ground illuminates the target with a beam of radar energy. The passive
radar seeker in the nose of the missile tracks the radar energy reflected off the
target. Proportional-navigation guidance systems use the target tracking
information obtained from the seeker, to steer the missile directly towards the
collision point with the target. If the target does not change its direction or velocity,
the missile will follow a more or less straight path towards this collision point.
• The Buk surface-to-air missile system is able to engage targets at altitudes up to
70,000 or 80,000 feet.
• The Buk system’s missiles (the 9M38 and 9M38M1 missiles) are equipped with
both an impact and a proximity fuse. The impact fuse detonates the warhead
when the missile directly hits the target. However, in most cases the missile will
not directly hit the target but pass closely by the target.

The Buk system’s missiles (the 9M38 and 9M38M1 missiles) carry a 70 kg high-explosive
fragmentation warhead, composed of a high-explosive detonator surrounded by layers
of pre-formed fragments. The 9N314 and 9N314M warheads are composed of two layers
of pre-formed fragments. The inner layer of pre-formed fragments in the 9N314M
warhead is composed of bow-tie shaped fragments together with square shaped ‘fller’
fragments. The outer layer consists of larger square shaped fragments (see Figure 56).
On detonation, the warhead’s casing will shatter into irregularly shaped pieces.
Information, provided by JSC Concern Almaz-Antey, regarding the pre-formed fragments
used in the Buk surface-to-air weapon system is shown in Table 17.



Term 9N314M
In this report, based on information of JSC Concern Almaz-Antey, the term 9N314M
is used to describe a 70 kg high-explosive fragmentation warhead with preformed
bowtie and square shaped fragments.

9N314M warhead                                 Square                            Bow-tie                        Filler
Dimensions (mm)                               8 x 8 x 5                          13 x 13 x 8                 6 x 6 x 8.2
Mass (grams)                                        2.35                                  8.10                          2.10
Proportion in warhead*              ca. half                            ca. quarter                  ca. quarter
Composition                                      unalloyed steel                unalloyed steel              unalloyed steel
9N314 warhead                                   Square                                  Filler
Dimensions (mm)                               8 x 8 x 5                               13 x 13 x 8
Mass (grams)                                        2.35                                     10.50
Proportion in warhead*         ca. three-quarters                     ca. quarter
Composition                                      unalloyed steel                     unalloyed steel
* Approximation made by the Dutch Safety Board.
Table 17: Pre-formed fragments in warheads used in Buk surface-to-air missile systems. (Source: JSC Concern

The total number of pre-formed objects in a 9N314M warhead is, according to the
Russian Federation defence group, JSC Concern Almaz-Antey, between 7,000 and 8,000.

• The 9N314M warhead carried on the 9M38-series of missiles as installed on the
Buk surface-to-air missile system contains bow-tie, fller and square pre-formed
• The missiles launched by the Buk surface-to-air missile system can reach targets
up to an altitude of 80,000 feet



3.7 Source of the damage

This Section brings the various parts of the analysis and the underlying factual information
together to identify and confrm the origin of the fragments that struck the aeroplane at
13.20:03 (15.20:03 CET).
The sound peaks recorded on the Cockpit Voice Recorder gave a clear indication that at
13.20:03 (15.20:03 CET) a high-frequency sound originated at a point above and to the
left of the cockpit. The fact that the different Cockpit Voice Recorder microphones each
recorded the sound wave at a slightly different moment provided confrmation that the
sound wave moved from left to right. Paragraph 3.4.1 showed that the sound wave was
recorded on the left hand microphone before it was recorded on the one furthest to the
The high-frequency sound recorded on the Cockpit Voice Recorder is the sound of a
pressure wave associated with an explosion.
The damage observed on the forward fuselage and cockpit area of the aeroplane
indicated that there were multiple impacts from a large number of fragments from
outside the aeroplane. The maximum density was over 250 witness marks per square
metre. A small amount of damage was also observed to the left engine intake ring and
the left wing tip (see Section 2.12).
There was also evidence of pitting and burning (soot deposits) near to the outside of the
left cockpit windows. These parts of the wreckage showed traces of explosive residues.
Two windows panels that were recovered showed signs of having been exposed to heat.
In addition to the evidence of pitting and burning near to the outside of the left cockpit
windows, some fuselage panels on the right hand side of the fuselage showed signs of
having been deformed by the effects of a high pressure wave (blast). See paragraph 3.5.3.
Many small fragments were found in the bodies of three crew members that, at the time
of the crash, were in the cockpit. Fragments were also found in the wreckage of the
aeroplane. Three fragments, made of unalloyed steel, had a distinct bow-tie or cubic
shape. Such fragments were not found in the bodies of any other victims. Also, one
fragment extracted from the cockpit wreckage had this distinctive bow-tie shape (see
Sections 2.13 and 2.16). Bow-tie shaped fragments are found in the 9N314M warhead.
The in-flight break-up sequence of the aeroplane’s structure indicated that the cockpit
separated immediately following the detonation of a warhead.
Using the shape and orientation of the witness marks, including the perforation holes in
the left engine intake ring and left wing tip, a trajectory direction was derived. The results
show trajectories of perforation damage converging to a single source to the left of, and
above, the cockpit.
Foreign objects were recovered from the cockpit and the left wing tip. These objects
were examined. As part of the criminal investigation, paint samples taken from missile
parts found in the wreckage area match those found on these foreign objects.



Notwithstanding the possibility of sample degredation and contamination, some of the
wreckage parts and the missile part recovered showed traces of explosive residues (e.g.
RDX). The results were provided to the Dutch Safety Board (see Sections 2.12 and 2.16).

The combination of the recorded pressure wave, the damage pattern found on the
wreckage caused by blast and the impact of fragments, the bow-tie shaped
fragments found in the cockpit and in the body of one of the crew members in the
cockpit, the injuries sustained by three crew members in the cockpit, the analysis of
the in-flight break-up, the analysis of the explosive residues and paint found, and the
size and distinct, bow-tie, shape of some the fragments, led the Dutch Safety Board
to conclude that the aeroplane was struck by a 9N314M warhead as carried on a
9M38-series missile and launched by a Buk surface-to-air missile system.

3.8 Simulations to assess the origin of the damage

3.8.1 Introduction
Using the results in Section 3.7 that the aeroplane was struck by a warhead, a number of
simulations were run. These were intended to corroborate the fndings and to calculate
the volume of space of the warhead’s detonation location and the missile’s possible flight
path from the ground to detonation. Simulations performed by three parties delivered
results that were consistent with the damage observed on the aeroplane’s wreckage. A
study provided by the Russian Federation had results that were not consistent with the
damage. More information on this matter is contained in Appendix V to this report and
in the report ‘MH17-About the investigation’.
NLR performed two studies to verify that the damage observed on the wreckage could
originate from a 9N314M warhead. The studies were a fragmentation visualisation model
and a missile flyout simulation. TNO used, independently, its terminal ballistics simulation
to verify that the damage observed on the wreckage could originate from a 9N314M
warhead. As part of this work, alternative warhead loads and detonation positions were
simulated. In addition to the above work, TNO simulated the blast loading that the
detonation of the warhead exerted on the aeroplane. To this end, a computational fluid
dynamics simulation of the detonation was performed by TNO. More informative about
these simulations can be found in Appendices X, Y and Z.
On behalf of Ukraine, the Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of
Justice and military experts of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry provided the results of
their simulations performed regarding the origin of the damage.
3.8.2 Fragmentation visualisation model
A simulation model of the location and the boundaries of the damage on the fuselage of
the Boeing 777 was constructed by NLR, using the primary fragmentation pattern of the
9N314M warhead, the known speed of the aeroplane and a three dimensional model of



a Boeing 777. Light was used to visualise the area of the fuselage exposed to the primary
fragments of the warhead (see Figure 58). This fragmentation visualisation model was
used to compare the actual high-energy object damage on the cockpit with the
calculated fragment spray of the warhead from the point of view of detonation location,
boundary and impact angle. The full report is published in the on-line appendices on the
Dutch Safety Board’s website (Appendix X).
The simulation model resulted in a detonation location of the warhead that was to the
left of and above the cockpit, whereby the missile was travelling at a speed of
approximately 700 metres per second (approximately 1,360 knots or 2,520 kilometres
per hour) in the opposite direction to the direction of flight of the aeroplane, coming
slightly from below and from the right with respect to the aeroplane’s longitudinal axis,
seen from the cockpit.
Figure 58: Expected damage pattern caused by a 9N314M-model warhead. Lit areas show where damage was
                expected. (Source: NLR)
Using the modelled warhead’s detonation point with the aeroplane’s last known location,
speed and attitude (see paragraph 3.4.1), the fragmentation visualisation model matched
the damage observed on the wreckage of the aeroplane. The estimated position of the
detonation was 0.25 metres ahead of the aeroplane’s nose, 3 metres to the left of, and
3.7 metres above the tip of the nose.
The end speed of the missile at the moment of the warhead’s detonation was about
700 metres per second. This indicates that the point of detonation was well below the
missile’s ceiling.

Simulation showed that the observed damage and the modelled fragment pattern
resulted in an estimated detonation location of the warhead to the left and above
of the cockpit.



3.8.3 Warhead simulation
Using the presence of a pre-formed fragmentation 9N314M warhead, TNO worked to
analyse the possible trajectories of the high-energy objects that would emanate from the
warhead. A summary of that work is discussed in this paragraph. The full report is
published in the on-line appendices on the Dutch Safety Board’s website (Appendix Y).
Several runs of the simulation were performed using three different warheads varying in
size, shape and explosive force. Table 18 shows the three warhead models used in the
Characteristics                                  Model I                                  Model II                              Model III
Number of pre-formed fragments      Unknown                            1,825 bow-tie                        1,870 bow-tie       
                                                                                               1,825 fller                             1,870 fller
                                                                                               4,093 square                         4,100 square
Minimum ejection angle (degrees)        72                                         76                                        68
Maximum ejection angle (degrees)     109                                        112                                      126
Lowest fragment speed (m/s)          circa 1,700                          circa 1,300                              circa 1,110
Highest fragment speed (m/s)         circa 2,300                          circa 2,520                              circa 2,460
Table 18: Warhead models used by TNO in the warhead simulation tool.

The following consideration was included in the simulation; fragmentation damage is
dependent on the distance of an aircraft from the warhead, the orientation of the aircraft
relative to the cloud of fragments and their impact velocity. The impact velocity is
determined by the vector sum of the warhead’s speed, the ejection velocity of the
fragments and the speed of the aircraft. Fragments encounter deceleration through the
atmosphere and perforating the aircraft structure, losing kinetic energy with each
subsequent perforation of material.
This warhead simulation was intended to compare the outcome with the actual damage
observed. Multiple runs of the simulation were performed using different warhead
characteristics (e.g. mass and number of pre-formed fragments), weapon approach
speed and angles. The warhead’s determined position at detonation took into account
the time between detonation of the warhead and the impact of the fragments. The
results of the simulation are shown in Table 19.


Table 19: TNO Simulation results. Note: The simulation of warhead model IIIc was performed using data
               provided to TNO by JSC Concern Almaz-Antey.

The best-match (green band in Table 19) between the simulation and the damage
observed on the aeroplane was obtained with a 70 kg warhead flying at 730 metres per
second and passing left of the aeroplane with an angle of 27 degrees to the aeroplane’s
x-axis and with a nose up attitude of 10 degrees (model IIb).
A visualisation of the results of model IIb, the model that provided the best match with
the damage described in paragraphs and, is shown in Figure 59.
Figure 59: Image of the damage pattern produced by the model IIb in the warhead simulation model. (Source:



Based on its calculations, TNO concluded that a 70 kg warhead detonated 0.0 metres
ahead and 2.0 metres to the left of, and 3.7 metres above the aeroplane’s nose.
TNO’s simulation also showed that there is no match obtained between the observed
damage on the aeroplane and the simulated damage patterns when a smaller and lighter,
40 kg, warhead was applied. Figure 60 shows the simulated damage patterns for the set
of simulations with a 40 kg warhead which were closest to the actual observed damage.
This pattern gave a poorer match than was obtained with a heavier warhead (Model IIb).
Figure 60: Image of the damage pattern produced by the model of a 40 kg warhead in the warhead simulation
                model. (Source: TNO)

Simulation demonstrated that a 70 kg warhead best matched the damage observed
on the wreckage of the aeroplane.

3.8.4 Ukrainian study
Based on the Ukrainian simulations, performed by the Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic
Expertise of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice and the military experts of the Ukrainian
Defense Ministry, it was concluded that a 9N314M warhead detonated at approximately
4 metres to the left of and above the tip of the aeroplane’s nose.



3.8.5 Volume of space containing the detonation positions
The results of the simulations performed by NLR, TNO and the Kyiv Research Institute for
Forensic Expertise described in the paragraphs above were consistent with each other.
The distance from the tip of the aeroplane’s nose to the point where, according to these
simulations, the detonation took place is shown in Table 20.
Table 20: Summary of detonation positions (distance in metres). Note: The data provided by JSC Concern
              Almaz-Antey used information that TNO had initially calculated and was included in the draft Final
              Report sent to the Annex 13 partners for consultation in June 2015. As part of that consultation,
              TNO updated its calculated position to the one shown in the table. The Russian Federation provided
              this data to the Dutch Safety Board without confrming that a 9N314M warhead, carried by a 9M38-
              series missile and launched from a Buk surface-to-air missile system, had caused the crash.

The Dutch Safety Board took account of uncertainties in the models by defning a volume
of space that enclosed the results of the different simulations instead of a fnite point in
space. The volume of space of the warhead’s detonation locations shown in Figure 61 is
less than one cubic metre and is located at approximately 4 metres above the tip of the
aeroplane’s nose on the left side of the cockpit.


Figure 61: Simplifed representation of the volume of space of the warhead detonation location according to
                three independent simulations. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)

The simulations performed indicated that the location of the explosion of a 9N314M
warhead was in a volume of space that is less than one cubic metre and about four
metres above the tip of the aeroplane’s nose on the left side of the cockpit.

3.8.6 Simulations of the missile’s flight path
The investigation into the detonation of the warhead included fly out simulations which
also comprised the weapon’s possible flight paths. NLR, Ukraine, and JSC Concern



Almaz-Antey performed simulations to calculate the missile’s flight path based on the
detonation positions calculated in the simulations as described in paragraph 3.8.5. These
simulations are described below, commencing with the work performed by NLR.
Using a data set that simulated the characteristics of both the Boeing 777 and a 9M38-
series missile armed with a 9N314M warhead, fly out simulations were conducted to
assess the possible flight paths back from the volume of space of detonation locations to
the ground. Numerous missile launches were simulated over a grid on the ground,
independently of the launching platform. At each location, missile launch angles in the
horizontal and vertical plane were varied. In these simulations, a number of uncertainties
were accounted for. These included uncertainties in weapon performance and guidance,
orientation angles and airspeeds. This allowed the possible flight paths to be calculated
that matched the end conditions associated with the detonation location in the volume
of space.
All of the possible points from where these flight paths could have commenced are
visualised in Figure 62. Outside the calculated area of about 320 square kilometres, a
9N314M warhead carried on a 9M38-series missile as installed on the Buk surface-to-air
missile system cannot create the damage pattern observed on the aeroplane
Figure 62: Visualisation of NLR fly out simulation results. (Source: NLR)

In a simulation performed by the Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Expertise, an area
of 4 square kilometres was calculated using the 9M38M1 missile and 9N314M warhead.
This is shown in Figure 63


Figure 63: Visualisation of Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Expertise fly out simulation results. (Source: Kyiv
                Research Institute for Forensic Expertise)

JSC Concern Almaz-Antey performed a simulation of the effects that would be expected
from this weapon using detonation data that TNO had calculated and was included in
the draft version of this report. This was done without confrming that a 9N314M warhead,
carried by a 9M38-series missile and launched from a Buk surface-to-air missile system
had caused the crash. The material provided by JSC Concern Almaz-Antey was used by
the investigation as a validation of the models used by NLR and Kyiv Research Institute
for Forensic Expertise.
Results for sets of similar calculations were supplied; one for a warhead launched by a
9M38 missile and one for the same warhead launched by a 9M38M1 missile. These
calculations produced two areas, respectively, approximately 20 and 63 square
kilometres. The areas calculated by JSC Concern Almaz-Antey (see Figure 64) are
consistent with the results of the NLR and Kyiv Research Institute for Forensic Expertise


Figure 64: Visualisation of JSC Concern Almaz-Antey fly out simulation results. Note: The red line, numbered 1
                to 4, marks the initial area identifed by the NLR fly out simulation; an area since updated. (Source:
                JSC Concern Almaz-Antey)
The results of the three sets of simulations are shown in a combination sketch (see Figure
65) of the calculated areas from which a 9N314M warhead carried on a 9M38-series
missile as installed on the Buk surface-to-air missile system could have reached the
warhead’s detonation location in the volume of space near to flight MH17 and could have
created the damage observed
Figure 65: Combination sketch of the calculated areas. (Source: Dutch Safety Board)



Whilst the results of the three studies all point to a similar geographic area, further
forensic research is required. Such work falls outside the mandate of the Dutch Safety
Board, both in terms of Annex 13 and the Kingdom Act ‘Dutch Safety Board’.

• The area from which the possible flight paths of a 9N314M warhead carried on a
9M38-series missile as installed on the Buk surface-to-air missile system could
have commenced is about 320 square kilometres in the east of Ukraine.
• Further forensic research is required to determine the launch location. Such work
falls outside the mandate of the Dutch Safety Board, both in terms of Annex 13
and the Kingdom Act ‘Dutch Safety Board’.

3.9 Blast damage

By reviewing the observed damage on recovered parts of the aeroplane and by
investigation of the blast pressure evolution for a number of discrete points on the
aeroplane’s contour, the effects of the blast of the warhead was analysed. This was
achieved by means of a so-called computational fluid dynamics simulation performed to
provide a high-fdelity quantitative description of the blast loading. The computational
fluid dynamic simulation takes into account the altitude, properties of the 9N314M
warhead, velocity of the aeroplane, velocity of the warhead, and shape of the aeroplane.
The position and orientation of the detonating warhead relative to the aeroplane was
taken from paragraph 3.8.3, model IIb.
Blast damage is highly dependent on the distance from the warhead, the orientation of
the aircraft part (so that it receives an incident or reflected blast) and the speed of the
aircraft. Blast has the following effect on aircraft structures, in increasing intensity:
• Compression of skin panels between frames and stiffeners where the skin does not
tear, and frames and stiffeners do not distort. This is known as dishing;
• Deformation of frames and stiffeners and detachment of skin panels, and
• Tears of skin panels and stiffeners.
Blast damage can be masked by perforation damage, damage caused by the break-up
of the aircraft and its impact with the ground. Of all the typical blast damage forms,
dishing is, in this situation, the most easily visually detected. Depression of skin panels
can also be caused by bending of aircraft parts during the break-up and impact with the
ground. Several depressions were found on the wreckage that could not be linked, with
suffcient certainty, to dishing.
The cockpit area had a considerable number of witness marks that provide an indication
of blast damage. The panel below the left hand cockpit windows is damaged by pitting
and showed traces of soot (see paragraph The pitting damage is local and is
considered to be the result of hot fragments of a warhead detonating close by; evidence



of blast. Another piece of evidence for the presence of blast was found in the
discolouration of the two left cockpit window parts that were recovered. Their exposure
to air and heat, changed the plastic from clear to opaque.
Blast extends initially spherically after the detonation of a warhead. However, blast can
flow around obstacles and also cause damage behind an obstacle. This makes it possible
for blast damage on the right hand side of the aeroplane to occur after detonation on
the left hand side. As shown in Figure 51, blast damage was observed forward of STA230
on the right hand fuselage skin. The fuselage skin at STA230 marked the limit of the blast
damage area. The lower part of this part of the fuselage was highly distorted, probably
by the break-up of the aeroplane and impact with the ground.
The floor part to the left of and below the captain’s seat was recovered with part of the
flight control mechanism on that side. It is holed extensively, and also shows clear
evidence of the effects of an explosion, indicating that this area was close to the
detonation point.
Once the pressure hull of the aeroplane was compromised by the impact and perforation
of the high-energy objects, the cabin depressurised due to the large number of holes in
the aeroplane.
Figure 66: Sample image of blast simulation showing blast wave around fuselage, 7.2 milliseconds after
                detonation. (Source: TNO)

Calculations show how peak pressure decreases with increasing distance. The blast
following the detonation of the warhead created an area of very high pressure near the
cockpit with a maximum value of about 5,000 kilopascals. 75 kilopascals was taken to be



the threshold for the mildest form of blast damage on the aeroplane structure. At a
distance from the aeroplane’s nose of 12.5 metres the pressure drops below 75 kilopascals.
Pressure kept decreasing until the effect of the blast became negligible at approximately
35 metres from the aeroplane’s nose.
The damage to the wreckage recovered was consistent with the predictions made by the
blast simulation.

• The simulation of the blast following the detonation of the 9N314M warhead
created an area of very high pressure near the cockpit with a maximum value of
about 5,000 kilopascals.
• Damage to the aeroplane’s structure as the result of pressure is caused with
values in excess of 75 kilopascals. Such damage could only be caused along the
fuselage for 12.5 metres from the detonation point.
• The damage to the wreckage recovered was consistent with the predictions
made by the simulation of the blast caused by the detonation of a warhead.

3.10 Summary of the results of the simulations into the causes of the

In Section 3.7 the Dutch Safety Board concluded that, on the basis of the combination of
fndings of the recorded sound, the damage pattern found on the wreckage caused by
blast and the impact of fragments, the bow-tie shaped fragments found in the cockpit
and in the body of one of the crew members in the cockpit, the injuries sustained by
three crew members in the cockpit, the analysis of the in-flight break-up, the analysis of
the explosive residues and paint and the size and distinct, bow-tie, shape of some of the
fragments, the aeroplane was struck by a 9N314M warhead as carried on a 9M38-series
missile and launched by a Buk surface-to-air missile system.
A number of simulations were run to corroborate these fndings. In these simulations the
specifcations mentioned in Section 3.6 were used. These simulations led to the following

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