Figure Video 1 - SSU, Radio interception of conversations between terrorists, "Boeing-777"
plane crash – showing published 17th Jul 2014
Video 1 showing published on Jul 17, 2014
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Figure Video 1 - SSU, Radio interception of conversations between terrorists, "Boeing-777"
plane crash – showing published 17th Jul 2014
Video 1 showing published on Jul 17, 2014
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Figure Video 1 – Detail Acquisition using X1 Social Discovery - showing published time 18/7/2014 4:33 AM
2.1.2 Video 2 - MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР.
Figure Video Source 2: MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34AB6CImTE
Figure Video Source 2: MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР. (Web
Inspector view)
Figure Video Source 2: MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР. (Web
Inspector view) - Last Modified 4th Aug 2014
Figure Video Source 2: MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата
разговоров ополчения ДНР. (Web Inspector view) - Published on Jul 26, 2014
2.2 Video Acquisition and Verification
YouTube has copyright of all YouTube videos and the permission to download the video file is
restricted (nodownload) as shown in Figure and Figure The acquisition was done using a
third-party website https://y2mate.com/ to acquire the two subject videos. This website maintains highest
integrity of YouTube downloaded video files. Refer to Table 2.2.1 showing the acquired file.
Acquisition was done using two tools,
i. FAW Project – FAW Professional
ii. Magnet – WPS
Figure 2.2.1: Video 1 - SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, "Boeing-777" plane crash.mp4 - Downloading
Figure 2.2.2 MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4
Table 2.2.1: Acquired (downloaded) Video Files Details
Video 1 | Video 2 | |
Acquired Video | SSU,radio interception of conversations | MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio |
Checksum Value: | 43DC84D53A31B73E0D2188E9300E051F | 725F08830E3D7782DF9248CE5F0DE5A4 |
Acquisition Details:
Start time: 13/4/2019 4:53:20 PM
[13/4/2019 4:53:20 PM] Setting up HTML index files...done.
[13/4/2019 4:53:20 PM] Starting capture...
[13/4/2019 4:53:20 PM] Capturing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbyZYgSXdyw
[13/4/2019 4:53:24 PM] Successfully captured https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbyZYgSXdyw
[13/4/2019 4:53:24 PM] Capturing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34AB6CImTE
[13/4/2019 4:53:28 PM] Successfully captured https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34AB6CImTE
[13/4/2019 4:53:28 PM] Finished.
i. SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4
Figure 2.1.1: Video 1 - SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4 (acquisition using Magnet WPS)
Acquisition Details:
Software FAW version: PROFESSIONAL
Owner: Akash Rosen - OG IT Forensic Services - akash@ogitforensics.com
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbyZYgSXdyw
Host: wwwyoutube.com
IP Host:
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E;
.NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Capture Date/Time start UTC: 2019-04-15T09:15:27
Capture Date/Time end UTC: 2019-04-15T09:15:36
Capture Date/Time start computer time: 2019-04-15T17:15:27+0800
Capture Date/Time end computer time: 2019-04-15T17:15:36+0800
Ntp Server: Local machine
Is in use proxy: False
Proxy: wwwgoogle.com
DNS Local Machine
Case ID: 20190415171057
Acquisition ID: 20190415171057#00001
ii. MH17 crash leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4
Figure 2.1.2: Video 2 - MH17 crash leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis.Анализ перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4 (acquisition using
Magnet WPS)
Software FAW version: PROFESSIONAL
Owner: Akash Rosen - OG IT Forensic Services - akash@ogitforensics.com
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34AB6CImTE
Host: wwwyoutube.com
IP Host:
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E;
.NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Capture Date/Time start UTC: 2019-04-15T09:18:16
Capture Date/Time end UTC: 2019-04-15T09:18:25
Capture Date/Time start computer time: 2019-04-15T17:18:16+0800
Capture Date/Time end computer time: 2019-04-15T17:18:25+0800
Ntp Server: Local machine
Is in use proxy: False
Proxy: wwwgoogle.com
DNS Local Machine
Case ID: 20190415171057
Acquisition ID: 20190415171057#00002
3.0 Video File Analysis and Audio Findings Statements
This section covers both Video files and Audio file finding statements.
3.1 Video File Analysis and Statements
i. Two video files were acquired (downloaded) from YouTube video medial channel. Both Video 1
and Video 2 are referred as below (Refer to Table 2.2.1).
a. Video 1 - SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, "Boeing-777" plane crash
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbyZYgSXdyw
- Original Format: WeBM - audiovisual media file format
- Option to Download only with Resolution of 360 pixel at size of 3.3 MB. Refer to Figure
- Downloaded file for analysis: SSU,radio interception of conversations between terrorists,
"Boeing-777" plane crash.mp4 (Refer to Table 2.2.1)
MD5: 43DC84D53A31B73E0D2188E9300E051F
b. Video 2 - MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ перехвата
разговоров ополчения ДНР.
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T34AB6CImTE
- Format: MP4 - MPEG-4 Part 14
- Option to Download with multiple choice resolution of 360 pixel, 720 pixel and 1080 pixel. This
is due to the quality of video uploaded into YouTube channel. Refer to Figure
- Downloaded file for analysis: MH17 crash: leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis. Анализ
перехвата разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4 (Refer to Table 2.2.1)
MD5: 725F08830E3D7782DF9248CE5F0DE5A4
ii. In YouTube channel media, both video file (Video 1 and Video 2) was set to “no download”. Refer
to Figure and Figure showing the setting in YouTube media channel. However, the
acquisition of the video was done using a third-party tool https://y2mate.com/, FAW Project –
FAW Professional and Magnet – WPS. Refer to Figure 2.2 showing the video Acquisition and
iii. Analysis on both videos date published and date when exactly created showing inconsistence of
dates. Published date is much earlier than last modified date, both videos had be modified.
a. Video 1
- Showing Published date on 17th Jul 2014
- Last Modified Date: 1st Nov 2018 (Similar with Date Encoded/Tagged Date)
Note: This clearly indicated, the video had been modified and it is clearly showing tampered
had happen.
b. Video 2
- Showing Published date on Jul 26, 2014
- Last Modified Date: 4th Aug 2014
iv. Video 1 - “SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane
crash.mp4” which contain the intercepted audio tracks (aired by SSU) was tagged/encoded on the
01/11/2018 ~ 02:44:30 (UTC). This is the only valid information were seen to be genuine. Refer to
Table 3.1.1 showing the detail metadata information from the video file.
v. Detail of title of Video 1 showing that ISO Media file produced by Google Inc. Created on:
10/31/2018. Refer to Table 3.1.1 and Section 3.3 showing the metadata of Video 1.
vi. MH17 flight fatal incident happened on the 17/07/2014, Video 1 was created after ~ 4 years 3
months of the recorded intercepted audio. Refer to Table 3.1.1 showing the detail metadata
information from the video file.
vii. There is basically no details of audio track and the the authenticity of the audio tracks file shown
or added in the Video file metadata which was uploaded into You Tube social media channel. Refer
to Table 3.1.1.
viii. Analysis on Video 2, MH17 crash leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis.Анализ перехвата
разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4 were done at very high level due to the focus of analysis is on
the content of Video 1. Video 2 is basically showing the audio tracks related in Video 1, but it does
not show the last audio (Audio track 5). Refer to Section 4.0.
Table 3.1.1: Video File Analysis – Metadata from Video Files
i. Date Published (17/07/2014) does
NOT match with date modified/date
encoded – 11/01/2018. Tampered.
ii. The encoded and Tagged date
showing UTC 2018-11-01 02:44:30
which is after ~ 4 years 3 months
incident of MH17 fatal incident.
iii. Total of 3 audio segment with 5
audio tracks added/encoded into
Video 1 audio stream and were
uploaded into YouTube channel.
iv. The audio tracks in the video are
not the first/original source of
original audio, hence these audio
tracks cannot be accepted for
analysis as they are not genuine and
not from original recorded form
regardless if this video is genuine.
v. Uploaded in YouTube in WeBM
format which had very high
compression and low quality of
audio (Lossy and exported file size
3.26 Mb).
vi. The author of the video did not
speak in the video only show text of
transcript in English. No other
speaker voice in the video except
for the speakers in the 5 audio
vii. Refer to Table 3.2.1 for audio
stream analysis vii. Refer to Section 3.3 showing the
metadata of the Video 1.
i. Raw Header showing video was
last modified on 04/08/2014
ii. Similarly, audio tracks were
added into this Video 2.
iii. Video was paused to explain
that the audio released by SBU was
tampered, reasonable pauses from
the speakers.
ii. Background noise remains same
throughout the audio stream.
iii. This video was intent to show
the edition on Video 1, but it does
not show the last audio (Audio
track 5).
iv. Video Published and Date Last
modified are not the same.
v. Refer to Section 5.0
3.2 Audio Track Analysis and Finding Statements
i. Video 1 " SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane
crash.mp4” file (source from uploaded YouTube videos) analysis was focused more on the audio
streams as the audio aired in the video was the intercepted recorded audio conversations.
ii. There was no speaker in the video speaking before and after the aired audio conversation. It was
intended to show the audio track with details who was speaking and the transcripts. Refer to
Section 4.0.
iii. The first main requirements and the dependencies for all audio tracks in the video file is the source
and authenticity of the audio files. It is very important to know when the audio tracks were
recorded, where it was recorded, how it was recorded/stored and how it was recorded. Since this
information is not available and undetermined, none of the audio tracks in the video can’t be
accepted as a valid, genuine and authentic source of audio recording. Refer to statement iv. and
v. Also refer to Table 3.1.1 and Table 3.2.1.
iv. Analysis in Video 1 metadata or content does not show any original source of the audio tracks,
none of the audio tracks are genuine. Refer to Table 3.1.1, Table 3.2.1 and Section 4.0.
v. YouTube only shows the only details of Video files uploaded as listed in Table 2.1.1 and Table 3.1.1,
it does not show the content of the audio track aired in the video container. There is basically no
way to get the details of each audio tracks in the audio stream due to it was compress and added
into single Video 1 container and uploaded into You Tube social media channel. Video 1 container
showing as single audio of Stream# 0.1 (und) below. Refer to Section 3.3 showing Video 1
Metadata detail.
Stream #0.0(und): Video: h264, yuv420p, 480x360, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 50 tbc
Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16
vi. In a way, the audio stream (Stream #0.1) in Video 1 still holds the audio tracks (which was aired by
SSU) which can be used analyze each audio tracks and verify the content of the audio. This analysis
is based on the audio wave, the spectral of the speaker voice and the background noise floor which
still can be analyzed of each audio tracks. Refer to Section 4.0 showing the audio stream analysis.
vii. Analysis on Video 1 audio stream (Stream #0.1(und): Audio:) showing there are 5 intercepted
audio tracks conversation which were added by SSU in the video file. Refer to Table 3.2.1 showing
the details of each audio tracks. Refer to Section 4.0 showing the audio track analysis.
Table 3.2.1: SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane crash Intercepted Audio Tracks Analysis
Audio Aired in | Audio Tracks | Parties in the | Audio Details | Remarks | Audio 1 | Track-1 | - Total 2 Speakers | i. 0:18.3 – 0:36.1 (recorded time as shown in | - 2 difference channels | [/tr]
Audio 2 | Track-2 | - Total 2 Speakers | i. 0.43.3 - 0.52.9 (recorded time as shown in | - Audio is tampered, 3 different tracks recorded in |
Track-3 | - Total 2 Speakers | i. 0.54.5 - 1:08.0 (recorded time as shown in | ||
Track-4 | - Total 2 Speakers | i. 1:09:4 - 1:49.0 (recorded time as shown in |
Audio 3 | Track-5 | - Total 3 Speakers | i. 1:50 - 2:22.8 (recorded time as shown in | - Two different militants’ voices are identified speaking |
viii. The Audio 1 Track-1 spectral and noise analysis showing clear edition of the audio track (mono).
a. In Audio 1, Track-1 - I. Bezler (“Bes”) and V. Geranin were talking in the conversation as per the video.
b. Bezler (“Bes”) voice was recorded in right channel and V. Geranin was recorded in left channel. Original audio is actually a mono
c. It is clearly seen in the spectral analysis in audio Track 1 that, V.Geranin voice and Bezler voice speaking at the same time. This
making the real conversation being overlapped with one another at 0.18.5, 0:25.75 & 0:31:5. The noise level are seen different for
V.Geranin. It is possible phrases were taken from a different conversation and merged. Refer Figure
d. Frequency level in spectrogram appears in all three phrases are changing, first phrase appears very low, second phrase appears
to be in high frequency, but middle spectrum was unseen, and third phrase shows medium frequency level. This shows phrases
are from different conversations and a gap which appears at the end of third phrase uttered by V. Gernanin in the Audio 1 Track-
1 is clear indication that his voices were overlaid and merged into the conversation. Refer Section 4.4.1.
e. A gap which appears at the end of third phrase ~0:32.6 uttered by V. Gernanin in the audio Track-1 (Left Channel) is a definite
possible indication that Geranin voices are merged into the conversation. Audio spectral at 0:31.75 – 0:31.85 (Left Channel)
showing added cut, paste and merger of other sound in this audio. Refer Figure
f. Seen merged of audio at at 0:22.5, 0:23.5 and 0:30:5 (Refer to Figure Different audio conversation starts at 0:23.30 (Refer
to Figure
g. Voice samples taken but not meeting the requirement for voice biometric analysis as it
has very short speech below 15 second and the audio quality is low. Refer Table 4.5.1 and
Table 4.5.2 showing the audio samples details.
i. Bezler’s Audio recording (Refer to Section 4.5.1)
Frequency Response: ~ 2013 Hz
SNR 53 dB
Voice: 7.66 s
ii. V.Geranin’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~ 3510 Hz
SNR 53 dB
Voice: 2.24 s
ix. Audio 2 tracks spectral and noise analysis showing edition of the audio (Stereo);
a. The audio tracks are in stereo where both left and right channel are similar.
b. Analysis in Audio 2, Track-2 showing difference level of background noise level indication
tampering of the audio at audio duration between ~0:43.3 – 0:52.9. Refer Figure
c. In Audio 2, Track-3, spectrograms show there were cuts and merging of conversation in this
part from ~0:58:75 and 0:59:0. At ~0:58.85 another difference noise were seen. Refer Figure
d. In Audio 2, Track-3, second cut and merging can be seen between ~1:03.85 and 1:04.55. The
background noise suddenly appears at this duration doesn’t fit to both the speakers’
atmosphere. Refer Figure
e. In Audio 2, Track-4, third cut and merging can be seen between ~1:13.55 and 1:13.5. The
background noise suddenly appears at this duration doesn’t fit to both the speakers’
atmosphere. Refer Figure
f. In Audio 2, Track-4, fourth cut and merging can be seen between ~1:15.20 and 1:16.20. The
background noise suddenly appears at this duration doesn’t fit to both the speakers’
atmosphere. Refer Figure
g. In Audio 2, Track-4, fifth cut and merging can be seen between ~1:18.80 and 1:19.30. The
background noise suddenly appears at this duration doesn’t fit to both the speakers’
atmosphere. Refer Figure
h. In Audio 2, Track-4, failed to overlay the merging of other audio between time frame ~1.24.2
and 1.24.3, editing is very clear at this part. Another merging between ~1:24.50 and 1:24.85.
obvious editing failure can be seen. Refer Figure
i. In Audio 2, Track-4, a new speaker (militant) voice appeared instead of Grek and Major voice
speaking between ~1:09.5 and 1:49.0. However, SBU stated that the conversation was
between Major and Grek. Refer Figure
j. Voice samples were taken for details voice analysis but none of the voices are meeting the
requirement for voice biometric analysis as it has very short speech below 15 second and the
audio quality is low. Refer Table 4.5.1 and Table 4.5.2 showing the audio samples details.
a. Audio 2, Track 2 (Refer to Section 4.5.2)
i. Grek’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2692 Hz
SNR 13 dB
Voice: 0.51 s
ii. Major’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2810 Hz
SNR 24 dB
Voice: 4.13 s
b. Audio 2, Track 3 (Refer to Section 4.5.3)
i. Grek’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~1744 Hz
SNR 16 dB
Voice: 0.54 s
ii. Major’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2627 Hz
SNR 34 dB
Voice: 5.11 s
c. Audio 2 - Track 4 (Refer to Section 4.5.4)
i. Grek’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2110 Hz
SNR 38 dB
Voice: 3.99 s
ii. Major’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2918 Hz
SNR 34 dB
Voice: 12.70 s
x. Audio 3 track spectral and noise analysis showing edition of the audio (mono);
a. Original audio track is a mono recording channel.
b. Audio 3 Track-5 begins from ~1:50.2 and ends at ~2:22.8. This segment of audio has 3 different
individual voices heard, it appears to be two different militants speaking to Kozitsyn, SBU
didn’t say anything about this in their video. Refer Figure
c. Militant voice between ~1:50.15 and ~2:02.93 is not the same as Militant voice appears after
~2:02.98 till the end of the audio. It is clear the merging can be seen between ~2:02.94 and
2:02.97, also sudden difference in the spectrum frequency from ~2:02:98 in Left Channel.
Refer Figure
d. Surprising to see that no background noise was seen in the Kozitsyn track, generally it can be
seen in the half duplex (walkie talkie) conversations. It is clear indication the audio track of
Kozitsyn was merged and background voices appears from ~2:12.3 until 2:22.28. Refer Figure
e. Editing can be seen between time frame ~2:12.6 and 2:14.2, suddenly left channel’s spectrum
appearing in the right channel – this is clear editing. Refer Figure
f. Voice Sample taken but not meeting the requirement for voice biometric analysis as it has
very short speech below 15 second and the audio quality is low. Refer Table 4.5.1 and Table
4.5.2 showing the audio samples details.
a. Audio 3 - Track 5 (Refer to Section 4.5.5)
i. Kozitsyn’s Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2207 Hz
SNR 23 dB
Voice: 3.59 s
ii. Militant 1 Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2186 Hz
SNR 35 dB
Voice: 6.02 s
iii. Militant 2 Audio recording
Frequency Response: ~2885 Hz
SNR 37 dB
Voice: 6.64 s
xi. Analysis on Video 2, MH17 crash leaked tape proven FAKE by audio analysis.Анализ перехвата
разговоров ополчения ДНР..mp4 were done at very high level.
i. There were many pauses/mutes in the audio stream of Video 2.
ii. Pauses/Mute were reasonable in the audio as the speaker was explaining the audio released
by the SBU.
iii. Original audio seems to be a mono recording.
iv. There is only one speaker explaining about the audio released by SBU.
v. Voices from the audio released by SBU was played in the video to explain about the
vi. The speaker in Video 2 didn’t cover Audio 3, Track-5. The focus of this case is to analyze audio
tracks in Video 1. Video 2 is just a reference. Refer to Section 5.0
3.3 Video 1 Metadata - SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-
777 plane crash.mp4
Details of this video showing below streams using FFMPEG;
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'SSU, radio interception of conversations between
terrorists, Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4':
Duration: 00:02:23.77, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 190 kb/s
Stream #0.0(und): Video: h264, yuv420p, 480x360, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 50 tbc
Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16
For the audio analysis, the audio stream - Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16
was taken for analysis into the forensic tool.
The audio channel is stereo, 44Khz and the audio code is AAC (Advance Audios Coding). There
are 5 audio coversation track as mention in Table 3.1.1
Figure 3.3.1a: MediaInfo results SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists, Boeing-777 plane
Figure 3.3.1b: MediaInfo results of video stream of SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists,
Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4 is produced by Google Inc.
Figure 3.3.1c: MediaInfo results of audio stream of SSU, radio interception of conversations between terrorists,
Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4 is produced by Google Inc.
Figure 3.3.2: Metadata (ExifInfo) results of audio stream of SSU, radio interception of conversations between
terrorists, Boeing-777 plane crash.mp4 is produced by Google Inc
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