JIT: Prosecution, 19.06.19
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Поделиться208-08-2019 08:44:15
Prosecution of four suspects for downing flight MH17
19 juni 2019 - Landelijk Parket
The Public Prosecution Service of the Netherlands will prosecute four suspects for bringing down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on the 17th of July 2014 killing all 298 passengers and crew. This decision was made on the basis of the investigation conducted by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), consisting of law enforcement agencies from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Ukraine and the Netherlands. The announcement was made this morning in Nieuwegein following a meeting with surviving relatives of the victims who died in the plane crash.
The Public Prosecution Service will prosecute the following people:
Igor Vsevolodovich GIRKIN (48)
Sergey Nikolayevich DUBINSKIY (56)
Oleg Yuldashevich PULATOV (52)
Leonid Volodymyrovych KHARCHENKO (47)
The Public Prosecution Service alleges the four cooperated to obtain and deploy the BUK TELAR at the firing location with the aim of shooting down an aircraft. For that reason they can also be held jointly accountable for downing flight MH17. Today the Public Prosecution Service will issue international arrest warrants and placed them on national and international Lists of Wanted Persons. This is why the full names of the suspects have been announced and their photos shown. Three of the suspects have Russian nationality, the fourth is Ukrainian. As the constitutions of both countries do not allow extradition of nationals, extradition will not be requested.
Igor Girkin, also known as Strelkov or Perviy, is a former colonel of the FSB, the Russian Federal Security Service. On the 17th of July 2014, Girkin was Minister of Defence and commander of the army of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. Flight MH17 was shot down from this area. As the highest military officer he maintained contact with the Russian Federation.
Sergey Dubinskiy, nicknamed Khmuriy, is a former military officer of the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service. Dubinskiy was one of Girkin’s deputies in 2014 and also head of the intelligence service of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. He also maintained regular contact with officials in Russia.
Oleg Pulatov, also known as Giurza, is a former military officer of the Russian Spetznaz-GRU, the special units of the Russian military intelligence service. In 2014, Pulatov was deputy head of the intelligence service of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and one of the deputies of Dubinskiy.
Leonid Kharchenko, also known as Krot, is the only Ukrainian suspect. He has no military background. He received his orders directly from Dubinskiy and in July 2014 he was commander of a combat unit in the Donetsk region. At that time, there was an armed conflict in that area between pro-Russian fighters and the Ukrainian armed forces.
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service will summon the four suspects, in order to account for their role in bringing down flight MH17 in court. They will be prosecuted for:
causing the crash of flight MH17, resulting in the death of all persons on board, punishable pursuant to Article 168 of the Dutch Criminal Code;
the murder of the 298 persons on board of flight MH17, punishable pursuant to Article 289 of the Dutch Criminal Code.
During the press conference, the Public Prosecution Service emphasised that it is only announcing the charges against the suspects; it is up to the court to pass judgment on those accusations.
The trial will start on the 9th of March 2020 at 10.00 AM before the District Court of The Hague, which will conduct the hearings at the Schiphol Judicial Complex. For the first part of the trial, the courthouse has reserved the period from the 9th until 13th of March, and also from the 23rd until 27th of March. The courthouse will advise on which of those dates -besides the 9th- the hearings will actually take place. The first part of the trial will not include the substantive details of the criminal case.
The criminal investigation of the JIT has been ongoing since 2014. On 28 September 2016, the JIT announced that flight MH17 was shot down by a missile from the 9M38 series, which was launched by a BUK TELAR system. The system was transported from the Russian Federation to an agricultural field near the town of Pervomaiskyi in Eastern Ukraine, from where the missile was launched. After firing, the system - with 1 missing missile - went back to the Russian Federation. On the 24th of May 2018, the JIT announced its conclusion the BUK TELAR used to shoot down MH17 came from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, a unit of the Russian armed forces from Kursk in the Russian Federation.
The JIT has issued a call for witnesses aimed at other persons who played a role in the downing of flight MH17, such as members of that 53rd Brigade. The investigation is ongoing and will continue to focus on the crew of the BUK TELAR and on persons who were an important link in the decision-making in the Russian Federation on military support to Eastern Ukraine in 2014.
Поделиться308-08-2019 08:45:16
Narrative conference MH17 (June 19, 2019)
Speeches by Mr. Fred Westerbeke, Chief Public Prosecutor of the National Public Prosecution Service in the Netherlands and also Coordinator of the Joint Investigation Team, Mr. Wilbert Paulissen Head of the National Criminal Investigation Service of the Netherlands and Mr. Peter Crozier, assistant-commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to this press meeting of the Joint Investigation Team, the JIT. Welcome also to the relatives and others who follow this meeting via a live stream. My name is Peter Crozier, Assistent Commissioner from the Australian Federal Police.
Since 2014, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine have been working as a Joint Investigation Team on one of the most complex criminal investigations ever: the investigation into the downing of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014. A tragedy connecting our five countries. An investigation that we would not have been able to carry out as individual countries and not in this way.
Representatives of all JIT countries are present today and I would like to take the opportunity to introduce them to you:
Mr Mohammed Hanafiah Bin Al Zakaria, Solicitor General of the Malaysian Attorney General’s Chambers;
Mr Frederic van Leeuw, Chief Federal Prosecutor of the Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s Office;
Mr. Yuriy Lutsenko, Prosecutor General of Ukraine;
Mr. Fred Westerbeke, Chief Public Prosecutor of the National Prosecutors office of The Netherlands;
Mr. Wilbert Paulissen, Chief Constable of the National Police of The Netherlands.
They will all speak to the press later on. The working languages of the meeting are English and Dutch.
The JIT coordinator, Mr Fred Westerbeke, Chief Public Prosecutor of the National Public Prosecutor's Office in the Netherlands and Mr Wilbert Paulissen, on behalf of the National Criminal Investigation Service of the Dutch National Police, will take the floor. Their presentation is concluded with a witness call and afterwards there is an opportunity to ask questions and conduct 1 on 1 interviews.
I am happy to give the floor to Mr Fred Westerbeke.
Поделиться408-08-2019 08:47:15
Fred Westerbeke
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have called you here today to inform you that based on the investigative results of the Joint Investigation Team it has been decided that four suspects will be prosecuted for their alleged roles in the downing of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014. Therewith the Dutch criminal proceedings will start.
Almost 5 years ago, Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, with 298 passengers and crew, came down in Eastern Ukraine where an armed conflict was taking place. A war zone became our crime scene and that conflict continues to this day. This made tracking down the perpetrators a complicated matter. From the very first moment, many theories circulated about the cause of the disaster, and about who was responsible. Often these theories are based on mistrust, assumptions and regularly even on deliberately presented mistruths. This creates a lot of insecurity and restlessness among the next of kin.
In 2015, the Dutch Safety Board took the first important step to provide the relatives with clarity during this uncertain period. The board investigated the cause of the crash and concluded that flight MH17 had been hit by a BUK missile from the 9M38 series. Beside the question what happened on 17 July 2014, the JIT investigation also aimed for those who are responsible for this crime.
From day one, the JIT felt the urgency to do justice to the victims who died and to give answers to the relatives. However, we can only present investigation results that are fully supported by legal and convincing evidence and only when it is not contrary to the interests of the investigation. And furthermore, the only place that we can present all results is the courtroom.
We have always expressed confidence we will achieve our goal. That goal was and still is: to find out the truth about what happened and prosecute those responsible. Today I can tell you that the investigation is so far advanced that we will actually start prosecution of four persons whom we hold responsible for bringing the deadly weapon, a BUK-TELAR, to Eastern Ukraine. We will tell you who they are, but first I will show you what preceded it.
> Video 1: what preceded
This preceded the prosecution of the four persons whom the JIT hold responsible for bringing the deadly weapon, a BUK-TELAR, to Eastern Ukraine.
Over the past five years we have been able to reduce the number of persons whom we are investigating.
All these years, the investigation focused on various components, including forensic investigation, finding and questioning witnesses and experts, analysing radar and satellite images, looking at huge quantities of telecommunication data such as wiretapped conversations and analysing big data. The area of investigation in Eastern Ukraine is still inaccessible to the investigation team.
This means we have been unable to perform some investigative acts and that other investigation activities require more time than usual. However, we also received a lot of valuable telecommunication data and other relevant information from Ukraine in the past year. In the JIT, more than 50 investigators and some 25 members of the prosecutors office presently are working on the investigation. Some of the Dutch and Australian investigators are still permanently based in the field office in Kiev, were they work side by side with the Ukrainian investigators. The cooperation there is incredibly valuable.
Over the last few years we have made repeated calls for witnesses. These calls have yielded relevant information, which has further advanced the investigation. For that reason, at the end of this meeting we will make a new call for witnesses. The purpose of this witness call is not to gather more evidence against the four suspects that we are going to prosecute, but to deepen other investigative avenues. After all, the investigation continues.
The JIT realises that witnesses in this case are potentially placing themselves at risk. The safety of witnesses is therefore paramount and we take the duty to protect our witnesses extremely serious.
In addition to witnesses and telecommunication data, social media forms an important part of the investigation. The JIT screens a huge amount of data every day. We do this advanced analysis tools and specially developed computer programs to help us investigate this data as smartly as possible. Relevant information is then analysed and further examined. In this way we can progress our investigation more effectively.
Поделиться508-08-2019 08:49:32
Today we will send out an international arrest warrant for each of the four suspects we are going to prosecute. We will also place them on National and International Tracking Lists. For that reason we announce the full names of the suspects and show their photographs. This concerns the following persons:
The suspects Girkin, Dubinskiy and Pulatov have Russian citizenship and our information indicates they are currently residing in Russia. The suspect Kharchenko is of Ukrainian citizenship and we assume he is living in Eastern Ukraine, in an area that is currently not under control of Ukrainian authorities. On 17 July 2014, all four suspects were in Eastern Ukraine. They played a crucial role in the armed conflict and held important positions:
Video 2: the suspects
In July 2014, Girkin, Dubinskiy, Pulatov and Kharchenko were active in the armed conflict in Donetsk province. Their common goal during this period was to gain ground at the expense of the Ukrainian State and its armed forces. Anti-aircraft was also used during the fighting. The Public Prosecution Service believes the cooperation between suspects Girkin, Dubinskiy, Pulatov and Kharchenko, their plans and their actions on and around 17 July 2014, ultimately led to the shooting down of flight MH17. Although they did not press the button themselves, it is alleged they worked closely together to get the BUK-TELAR to the firing location with the aim of shooting down an aircraft. They are therefore suspected to be held jointly responsible for shooting down flight MH17.
Today we will not comment on all the facts that led to the suspicion against these individuals. When it comes to the concrete actions of and our evidence against individuals, the courtroom is the only place where we as the Public Prosecution Service want to speak openly. But we can tell you the following:
In July 2014, Girkin, Dubinskiy, Pulatov and Kharchenko were active in the armed conflict in Donetsk province. Their common goal during this period was to gain ground at the expense of the Ukrainian State and its armed forces. Anti-aircraft was also used during the fighting. The Public Prosecution Service believes the cooperation between suspects Girkin, Dubinskiy, Pulatov and Kharchenko, their plans and their actions on and around 17 July 2014, ultimately led to the shooting down of flight MH17.
Although they did not press the button themselves, it is alleged they worked closely together to get the BUK TELAR to the firing location with the aim of shooting down an aircraft. They are therefore suspected to be held jointly responsible for shooting down flight MH17.
In Dutch criminal law, persons who are not present during the execution of a crime but who play an important organising role are just as liable to punishment as the person who actually commits the crime.
Specifically, the accusations against these suspects amount to:
being responsible for the downing of flight MH17, resulting in the death of all passengers and crew, punishable under article 168 of the dutch penal code, and,
murder of the 298 people on board of flight MH17, punishable under article 289 of the dutch penal code.
When deciding to prosecute these suspects and when formulating the charges, we took into account the armed conflict going on at the time. It is possible the suspects wanted to shoot down a military aircraft instead of a passenger aircraft. Even if that is the case, we still hold them accountable for downing MH17. What the suspects actually knew, wanted and ultimately did must be determined by the court in criminal proceedings.
We realise this brief summary of the accusations does not yet provide answers to many questions, for example about the available evidence. I emphasise that today we only disclose the accusations against these suspects. It is up to the district court of The Hague to pass judgement on these accusations. The suspects have the opportunity to explain their side of the story at the court hearing.
Поделиться608-08-2019 08:50:00
How to proceed from here?
In the short term, we will formally request the Russian Federation to hand over the summons to the suspects who are in the Russian Federation. We will also ask them to question the suspects about the accusations. A similar formal request will be done to Ukraine with respect to the Ukrainian suspect.
The Public Prosecution Service is not going to ask for extradition the four suspects, because both the Russian as the Ukrainian Constitution prohibits extraditing its own nationals. We will ask the Russian Federation, again, to cooperate in legal assistance. Several requests for legal assistance, have still not been answered.
For example, we are still waiting for an answer to the question of where the BUK-TELAR, filmed in June 2014 in a convoy of the 53rd brigade in the Russian Federation, was located on and around 17 July 2014. We asked this question more than a year ago. Other questions the Russian Federation refuses to answer. For example, whether suspect Dubinskiy worked for the Russian government in July 2014. These are simple questions that can be answered quickly. We invite the Russian Federation to swiftly answer these and other questions from the requests for legal assistance.
Of course we are also open to a direct response from the suspects to the investigation team. All four suspects have previously given public interviews about their role in the armed conflict in 2014. If they also want to explain their role directly to the JIT, we would like to hear that. To this end, they can contact us via the communication channels that we will announce shortly.
Поделиться708-08-2019 08:50:19
The criminal proceedings
We recently informed the court about the decision to prosecute and the fact that we are in the process of finalising the digital case file. We expect to be able to submit this extensive file, before the end of the year.
The criminal proceedings will take place before the district court in The Hague, to be held in the high security Schiphol Judicial Complex in Badhoevedorp. The five JIT countries decided in 2017 that a prosecution under Dutch law and before a Dutch court is the best option.
The court informed us that the criminal proceedings against these suspects will start on 9 March 2020. At 10.00 AM. We hereby explicitly call on the suspects to report themselves to the district court to be present at their hearing, or to contact us before that. The criminal proceedings will also continue if the suspects choose not to be present.
In recent years, the JIT has kept the relatives informed as much as possible about the progress of the investigation. In the run-up to the proceedings, the provision of information will mainly focus on the upcoming criminal trial and the position of relatives.
With this in mind, the National Police, Victim Support Netherlands and the Public Prosecution Service are organising an information meeting for all relatives this autumn. Legal and practical questions related to the upcoming trial will be discussed here. The relatives who cannot be present will receive the same information digitally.
Today is a special day for us and all those involved. We promised the relatives to do our utmost to find out who is responsible for the death of their loved ones and to hold these people accountable during a public hearing in court. This announcement confirms our commitment to those promises. The JIT alleges Girkin, Dubinskiy, Pulatov and Kharchenko played an important part in the deaths of 298 innocent civilians. We will present the evidence on which that allegation is based in the courtroom. Afterwards, the court will give a judgement. The suspects are innocent, until proven guilty in court. That’s how it should be in a constitutional state.
Поделиться808-08-2019 08:50:36
Peter Crozier
The tragedy of MH17 has connected many different countries for many years now. Not only the five JIT states, but also the other grieving nations. These countries also mourn their victims and are still determined to bring this quest for truth and justice to a satisfactory conclusion.
Last week, representatives of the judicial authorities of grieving nations met in The Hague in a meeting organized by Eurojust, where they expressed their solidarity for the coming years.
Just like Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine, these representatives of Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom and have expressed their faith in the Dutch legal system. The Dutch Public Prosecution Service has gratefully accepted that faith in the knowledge that a complex international criminal case such as this one will demand a lot from us all in the coming years. As a JIT, we will also continue the investigation. The step we have taken today gives us the energy to continue. We will not let go. To progress, we are again appealing for witnesses today. My colleague Wilbert Paulissen will tell more about that.
Поделиться908-08-2019 08:51:58
Wilbert Paulissen
Today, we as a JIT have taken an important step. But with the decision to prosecute four individuals, our investigation does not end. Several persons played a role in bringing down flight MH17. The further investigation also focuses on the crew of the BUK-TELAR and on persons who were an important link in decision making in the Russian Federation about military support to eastern-Ukraine. The call for witnesses I’m about to make is intended to achieve maximum clarity about the entire chain of responsible parties. The message we give today is therefore twofold: we’re going to prosecute four suspects, but the investigation into the involvement of other people continues.
Last year we asked questions about the BUK-TELAR and its crew in a witness call. Of course we also put those questions to the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation has indicated that it sees no reason to answer these questions. Even without that cooperation, we made progress in the investigation. Partly for this reason we turn to the public again with questions to which we would like to receive answers.
We will let you listen to parts from recorded telephone conversations and show you parts from a chat. In this presentation these are shown in English translation. The complete audio files of these wiretapped conversations and the partial text of the chat will be made available on the JIT website.
To refresh your memory; already in 2015, we let you listen to a wiretapped conversation of 17 July 2014 at 09.08 hours, in which the suspect Dubinskiy asks if "it" has come with a crew. The person he is speaking to confirms that "it" came with a crew. By "it" is meant the BUK-TELAR, which has since been determined to be a TELAR of the third battalion of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade from Kursk, in the Russian Federation. Based on this conversation and other investigation results, it is likely that not only the BUK-TELAR, but also the crew came from the Russian Federation.
We also previously posted the following conversation of 17 July 2014 at 21.32 hours online. It is a conversation between the suspect Kharchenko and a man, whom he calls 'Ryazan' and who addresses Kharchenko as 'commander'.
Apparently, one of the crew members of the BUK-TELAR who had just shot down MH17 lost contact with the rest of the crew. Kharchenko orders the crew member to be brought to him. The JIT would like to know who that crew member was.
This telephone conversation does not demonstrate to which Brigade this crew belongs. The JIT does have evidence from other sources that at that time, Russian soldiers of the 53rd Brigade were present near the border with Eastern Ukraine.
Many soldiers were active on social media. We now show you a passage from a chat of 2015 in which a soldier of the second battalion of the 53rd Brigade looks back on the summer of 2014.
> Video 3: chat soldier M.
Many soldiers were active on social media. In this animation a passage is shown from a chat of 2015 in which a soldier ('soldier M.') of the second battalion of the 53rd Brigade looks back on the summer of 2014. The JIT would like to get in touch with these persons, because they might know the identity of the BUK-TELAR crew that brought down MH17.
The chat is shown here in English, the full version in Russian is posted online.
The JIT would like to get in touch with these persons, because they might know the identity of the BUK-TELAR crew that brought down MH17.
Поделиться1008-08-2019 08:54:05
The JIT seeks persons who have information about the following questions.
Were any of the persons in the photographs in Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014?
Do any of the persons in the photographs have information about the use of the BUK-TELAR with the 3 and the 2 on the side on 17 July 2014?
Which soldiers were part of the BUK TELAR crew that shot down MH17.
It is unlikely the crew independently decided to go to Eastern Ukraine. We are looking for more information about who sent them there.
In the months prior to 17 July 2014, the leadership of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic requested military support from the Russian Federation on several occasions.
These requests were made both by the so-called ‘Prime Minister’ Aleksander Borodai, as well as by the suspect Igor Girkin, the so-called ‘Minister of Defence’.
We know from our investigation the suspect Girkin was in contact about this matter with Sergej Aksyonov, the Russian leader of Crimea appointed by the Russian government. The Ukrainian peninsula was annexed by the Russian Federation in the spring of 2014.
Girkin spoke with one of the staff members of Aksyonov on 8 June 2014. In that conversation Girkin asks for military support from Russia, including a good anti-aircraft system with trained personnel. Please listen with us.
> Video 4: telephone conversations requesting military support
Telephone conversations that show that there were talks about military support between ‘the prime minister’ of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples Republic and a high government official of the Russian Federation.
This conversation of 11 july 2014 shows that there were indeed talks about military support between ‘the prime minister’ of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples Republic and a high government official of the Russian Federation. The anti-aircraft system that was already requested as from June 2014, was actually delivered after 11 July. We would like to know who was involved in the decision-making in the Russian Federation and with what mission the anti-aircraft system was sent to Ukraine.
Поделиться1108-08-2019 08:54:43
The JIT has the following questions:
Who decided to send a Russian anti-aircraft system, specifically the TELAR with the 3 and the 2 on the side, to Ukraine?
Who decided which persons should be members of the crew?
What instruction was given to that crew?
Who gave that instruction?
Do you have information? Our contact details are listed on the JIT website (wwwjitMH17.com). Here you will also find information about our comprehensive witness protection program. Thank you for your attention. We will now proceed with the questions.
Thank you for your attention.
Поделиться1208-08-2019 09:15:16
Witness appeal June 2019: BUK TELAR crew
Telephone intercepts
In 2015, the JIT released an intercept of a telephone conversation in which suspect Dubinsky asks if ‘it’ has come with a crew. Apparently, ‘it’ refers to the BUK TELAR which belonged to the 53rd Anti Aircraft Missile Brigade from Kursk in the Russian Federation.
(July 17 2014, 09:08 AM)
Based on this conversation, and other information, it can be assumed that both the BUK TELAR and its crew came from the Russian Federation. That same day, July 17, 2014, a conversation between suspect Kharchenko (‘A’) and a certain ‘Ryazan’ (‘B’) was intercepted. Ryazan calls Kharchenko ‘commander’. This conversation was released earlier by the JIT in 2015.
(July 17 2014, 21.32 PM)
Apparently, one of the crew members of the BUK TELAR that shot down MH17 lost contact with the rest of the crew. The JIT would like to know who that crew member is. These telephone conversations do not demonstrate to which unit this crew belongs. The JIT does have evidence from other sources that at that time, Russian soldiers of the 53rd Brigade from Kursk were present near the border with Eastern Ukraine.
The JIT would like to know:
Who was the crew member that got lost shortly after the downing of MH17?
Who has information that may lead the JIT to his identity?
Social media chat
Many soldiers were active on social media. In the JIT-presentation of June 19, 2019 (NL and ENG) a chat from 2015 was shown in which a soldier (‘soldier M’) of the 2nd battalion of the 53rd Brigade takes part. This soldier was part of the convoy that departed on June 23, 2014 from the base of the 53rd Brigade in Kursk and headed towards Millerovo, in the Russian Federation. This convoy also included the BUK TELAR with the numbers 3 and 2 on the side.
Soldier M is chatting to a certain ‘Anastasia’.
Presentation Joint Investigation Team
June 19, 2019
Chat between Soldier M to someone called “Anastasia”.
All other names have been made unrecognizable.
Hi there! What are you doing?Анастасия 07:07:15
Привет что делаешь?M…
Nothing at the moment.М… 07:07:15
Сейчас ничегоM…
Hi ☺ How are you? What are you doing?М… 21:38:17
Привет ☺ как дела? что делаешь?Anastasia
Hanging aroundАнастасия 21:40:57
Привет ☺
Texting via the cell phone? Bothering you?М… 21:41:36
Ты что с сотового [slecht leesbaar] пишешь?
No way Come on.Анастасия 21:41:36
Нет что тыM…
Usual scenario, a guy is in the army and a girl is
HANGING AROUND)))))М… 21:42:11
Вот так всегда, парень в армии а девушка
Joking)))М… 21:42:25
Я пошутил )))Anastasia
For such jokesАнастасия 21:43:59
За такие шуточкиM…
Well, I’m sorry))) and I am driving a taxi but there
are no clients at all(((, the train arrives at 22-15
and they’ll run over, so, there is nothing to do()))
Come over to us to Artiomovsk, it’s beautiful here
at our place.М… 21:45:16
Ну извини))) а я таксую только клиентов совсем
нет(((, сейчас поезд придет в 22-15 и понабегут, так
что заняться не чем()))
Приезжай к нам в Артемовск, у нас красиво.
Weeell☺ you’d better come over to us.Анастасия 21:49:37
Нууууу ☺ лучше уж вы к намM…
BUT we’ve already been to your place))) to tell the
truth we didn’t reach rostov, but we drove past
millerovo, kamensk)))М… 21:51:20
ААА Мы у вас уже были))) правда до ростова не
доехали, но миллерово, каменск, мимо проежали)))Anastasia
Did you like it? ☺Анастасия 21:51:44
И как вам? ☺M…
And we sat in the woods near Kuibyshevo as long
as three monthsМ… 21:51:55
А под куйбышево в лесу вообще три месяца сиделиAnastasia
Picking mushrooms and berries for your
commanders?Анастасия 21:52:37
Грибочки ягодки коммандирам собирали?M…
Nothing special... berries for the commanders and
mushrooms mostly for ourselves))) it was not that
good with the foodМ… 21:53:15
Да так... ягодки коммандирам а грибочки себе и в
основном ))) с питанием было не оченьAnastasia
What battalion did you serve?Анастасия 21:54:59
А в каком батальоне ты служил?M…
I [...] with A… this is what you called him in/at the
second one when we were driving/going to Rostov
some cool guys from the third one were
driving/going with us so we went totally crazyМ… 21:57:38
Я с А… это ты его так называла во втором когда мы
ехали в Ростов с нами ребята забойные из третьего
ехали так мы оторвались по полнойAnastasia
What do you mean totally?Анастасия 21:58:34
В смысле по полной?M…
To tell the truth they were under the command of
one asshole senior lieutenant XXX so he rained on
our parade. When we were in Millerovo we
thought about feeding him Daphne berries but we
didn’t find them)М… 22:01:36
Там ими правда мудак один руководил XXX
ст.лейтенант так он всю малину портил. Мы когда в
миллерово были думали его ягодками волчьими
накормить но не нашли)
What special did he do
??Анастасия 22:03:24
Чего он такого сделал
Well the contracted guys had some money,
bought some booze and he, a lousy fuck, smashed
two bottles, forget it, this is the past, it’s a pity
that the guys took another direction after
Millerovo.М… 22:06:29
Ну ребята контрактники были при деньгах, купили
бухла, а он гнида разбил две бутылки, ладно дело
прошлое жаль что ребята после миллерово поехали
в другую сторонуAnastasia
Where?Анастасия 22:06:57
А куда?M…
I won’t tell [...] it’s a big secret, if someone gets to
know his head is on the chopping block, I can only
give a hintМ… 22:07:03
А не скажу это очень большая тайна, если кто
узнает этому секар-башка, намекнуть только могуAnastasia
Come on, a state secret?Анастасия 22:07:32
Че прям тайна государственная?M…
Do you know such a song He received an order –
[...] to the West. She – [...] to another direction...
They were taken by the Komsomol guys. To the
civil war.М… 22:08:15
Песню знаешь такую Дан приказ ему - на запад, Ей
– в другую сторону... Уводили комсомольцы. На
гражданскую войну.Anastasia
To the blue-and-yellow ones, you mean?Анастасия 22:08:51
К сине желтым чтоли?M…
Well, no to the civil one), you’re not only beautiful
but also cleverМ… 22:09:22
Ну не на гражданскую), а ты глянь не только
красивая но еще и умнаяAnastasia
[emoticon]Анастасия 22:09:22
Ok, the train seems to be arriving. I go to catch
clients good night [emoticon]М… 22:10:39
Ладно поезд кажется прибывает. Пойду клиентов
ловить тебе спокойной ночи [emoticon]
Night [emoticon]Анастасия 22:10:56
Спокойной [emoticon]
On the basis of this conversation it can be assumed that soldier M was in the second battalion and travelled along with certain ‘cool guys’ and a first lieutenant from the 3rd battalion of the 53rd Brigade. The BUK TELAR that was used to shoot down MH17 originated from the 3rd battalion of the 53rd Brigade. M cannot reveal where the ‘cool guys’ from the third battalion went, because it is a secret. He does however say they went to the West.
The JIT would like to get in touch with the first lieutenant, who now is a captain. His name has been made unrecognisable here, but the JIT has information he belongs to the 53rd Brigade from Kursk. The JIT calls on this first lieutenant or other witnesses to report to the JIT in order to answer a number of questions about his role.
The JIT would like to know:
The JIT would like to get in touch with the first Lieutenant, who now is a captain, mentioned in the chat. The JIT knows he is an officer, belonging to the 53rd Anti Aircraft Missile Brigade from Kursk.
The JIT calls on this first lieutenant or other witnesses to report to the JIT in order to answer a number of questions about his role.
Several photos have been posted on social media, showing soldiers of the 53rd brigade, which have been made in the summer of 2014 in a region close to eastern Ukraine. A selection of these photos are published here.
The JIT has documents regarding the 53rd Anti Aircraft Missile Brigade, indicating exactly which members of the 53rd Brigade were present in mid-July 2014 in the area near the Ukrainian border. In addition, the JIT has information that the military convoy that went to Millerovo with six TELARS in June 2014 returned by train to the base in Kursk with only five TELARS in September 2014. On May 24, 2018 the JIT showed evidence (ENG or RU) the BUK TELAR that shot down flight MH17, originated from the 53rd Brigade. Therefore, members of this Brigade might know the identity of that specific TELAR crew. The JIT would like to know whether any of the persons in the photos were in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014 and whether they have any knowledge on the BUK TELAR which downed MH17 and its crew.
The JIT would like to know:
Were any of the persons in the photographs as published on this site in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014?
Do any of the persons in the photographs have information about the use of the BUK TELAR with numbers ‘3’ and the ‘2’ on the side in eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014?
Which soldiers were part of the BUK TELAR crew that shot down flight MH17?
If you know the answers to these questions or if you know people who can provide answers, please contact the JIT. We will handle your information with ultimate care. JIT investigators are available to help you in several languages including Russian and Ukrainian.
Witnesses can contact the JIT to provide information or evidence. For those concerned about safety, refer to Witness Safety & Protection and Safe communication
Поделиться1308-08-2019 09:32:19
Witness appeal June 2019: Chain of responsibility in the Russian Federation
It appears to be unlikely that the crew independently decided to go to Eastern Ukraine. The JIT is looking for more information about who sent them there.
Sources show that in the months prior to July 17, 2014 the leadership of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic requested military support from the Russian Federation on several occasions. These requests were made by both by the so-called ’Prime Minister’ Aleksander Borodai, as well as by the suspect Igor Girkin, the so-called ‘Minister of Defence’. Girkin was in contact with Sergej Aksyonov, the Russian leader of Crimea, who was appointed by the Russian Federation in 2014.
On June 8, 2014, Girkin (380930721558) speaks to a staff member of Aksyonov (380962662006). He asks for military support from Russia, including a decent anti-aircraft system with trained personnel.
According to this intercepted conversation Girkin is in a hurry because he is about to lose the battle. He wants decent air defense, no ‘manpads’, that are fired from the shoulder. And he wants trained personnel because there is no time to train them. About fifteen minutes after this conversation he is called back by Aksyonov (380962662006). In that conversation, Aksyonov says that they are already arranging the required permission for the requested support.
In June and July 2014, Girkin and Borodai have frequent telephone contact with persons in the Russian Federation. During that period Borodai can be found in Moscow regularly.
On July 10, 2014, Girkin and Borodai hold a press conference in Donetsk. Borodai has just returned from Moscow and talks about his visit.
press conference Borodai and Girkin, Donetsk 10 July 2014
Borodai does not seem to be secretive about contacts with the Russian Federation. A few weeks earlier, Borodai had already stated in another interview with whom he was in contact in Moscow. In an interview with a Russian newspaper he mentions that Vladislav Surkov, a high official at the Russian Government, ‘is of great support to the Donetsk People's Republic’ and ‘truly our man in the Kremlin’.
One day after the press conference in Donetsk, on July 11, 2014, Borodai (79265318514) calls Surkov (79265318528). This conversation confirms talks were being held about military support between the ‘Prime Minister’ of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and a high official of the Russian Federation. The anti aircraft system that was already requested as from June 2014 appears to have actually been delivered after 11 July 2014.
The JIT would like to know:
Who decided to send a Russian anti-aircraft system, the BUK TELAR with the numbers ‘3’ and the ‘2’ on the side, to Ukraine?
Who determined which persons would be the crew members of that BUK TELAR?
Which instruction was given to the crew?
Who gave that instruction?
If you know the answers to these questions or if you know people who can provide answers, please contact the JIT. We will handle your information with ultimate care. JIT investigators are available to help you in several languages including Russian and Ukrainian.
Witnesses can contact the JIT to provide information or evidence. For those concerned about safety, refer to Witness Safety & Protection and Safe communication
Поделиться1408-08-2019 09:33:25
Reduction of Sentence for Ukrainian crimes
For those under suspicion or accused of Ukrainian crimes, there are significant incentives to providing evidence in criminal matters, such as the investigation into the downing of the Boeing (MH17). This is especially applicable to pro Russian fighters interested in leaving the conflict zone, but concerned about being charged with criminal offences arising from their participation in the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
Since April 2017 changes to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine allow the public prosecutor, under certain conditions, to conclude a plea agreement (a deal) with a suspect or person accused of grave (terroristic) crimes. An Agreement may result in reduced or suspended punishment.Any plea agreement depends on the level of cooperation, as well as the reliability and value of information provided about other crimes or criminals. The changes to the Code allow for agreements to be made before or during trials. All agreements need to be examined and approved by the Court.
If you have information for us or if you know people who have, please contact the JIT. We will handle your information with ultimate care. JIT investigators are available to help you in several languages including Russian and Ukrainian.
Witnesses can contact the JIT to provide information or evidence. For those concerned about safety, refer to Witness Safety & Protection and Safe communication